Peritoneal carcinomatosis index as a predictor of diaphragmatic involvement in stage III and IV ovarian cancer
Antoni Llueca,1–3 Anna Serra,1–3 José Luis Herraiz,2 Isabel Rivadulla,1,4 Luis Gomez-Quiles,1,4 Juan Gilabert-Estelles,5,6 Javier Escrig1,3,4On behalf of the MUAPOS (Multidisciplinary Unit of Abdominal Pelvic Oncology Surgery) working group 1Multidisciplinary Unit of Abdominal Pelvic Oncology Surgery (MUAPOS), University General Hospital of Castellón, Castellón, Spain; 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University General Hospital of Castellón, Castellón, Spain; 3Department of Medicine, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain; 4Department of General Surgery, University General Hospital of Castell&…