Michael S. Webster
Asymmetries in reproductive anatomy : insights from promiscuous songbirds
Directional asymmetry in gonad size is commonly observed in vertebrates and is particularly pronounced in birds, where the left testis is frequently larger than the right. The adaptive significance of directional asymmetry in testis size is poorly understood, and whether it extends beyond the testes (i.e. side-correspondent asymmetry along the reproductive tract) has rarely been considered. Using the Maluridae, a songbird family exhibiting variation in levels of sperm competition and directional testis asymmetry, yet similar in ecology and life history, we investigated the relative roles of side-correspondence and sperm competition on male reproductive tract asymmetry at both inter- and int…
Asymmetries in reproductive anatomy: insights from promiscuous songbirds
Abstract Directional asymmetry in gonad size is commonly observed in vertebrates and is particularly pronounced in birds, where the left testis is frequently larger than the right. The adaptive significance of directional asymmetry in testis size is poorly understood, and whether it extends beyond the testes (i.e. side-correspondent asymmetry along the reproductive tract) has rarely been considered. Using the Maluridae, a songbird family exhibiting variation in levels of sperm competition and directional testis asymmetry, yet similar in ecology and life history, we investigated the relative roles of side-correspondence and sperm competition on male reproductive tract asymmetry at both inter…