Shawn Devlin
Is there light after depth? Distribution of periphyton chlorophyll and productivity in lake littoral zones
Periphyton and phytoplankton contribute to the base of lake food webs, and both groups of microalgae are influenced by resources and physical forcing. Spatial variation in light availability interacts with the physical dynamics of the water column to create predictable depth gradients in resources and disturbance that may differentially affect periphyton vs phytoplankton. We characterized the depth distribution of chlorophyll and productivity of periphyton on sediments (epipelon) and phytoplankton in the euphotic zones of 13 oligomesotrophic lakes that span a large size gradient (0.017–32,600 km2 ). Epipelic chlorophyll usually increased with depth in the epilimnion. Light was the primary d…
Potential for large-bodied zooplankton and dreissenids to alter the productivity and autotrophic structure of lakes
While limnological studies have emphasized the importance of grazers on algal biomass and primary production in pelagic habitats, few studies have examined their potential role in altering total ecosystem primary production and it’s partitioning between pelagic and benthic habitats. We modified an existing ecosystem production model to include biotic feedbacks associated with two groups of large-bodied grazers of phytoplankton (large-bodied zooplankton and dreissenid mussels) and estimated their effects on total ecosystem production (TEP), and the partitioning of TEP between phytoplankton and periphyton (autotrophic structure) across large gradients in lake size and total phosphorus (TP) co…
Benthic mats offer a potential subsidy to pelagic consumers in tundra pond food webs
We quantified the potential nutritional contribution of benthic mats to pelagic consumers in tundra ponds using three approaches. (1) We compared benthic and pelagic habitats based on their algal biomass and community composition and assessed the dietary quality in terms of fatty acid (FA) concentrations in both habitats. The algal community compositions differed significantly between habitats. Both benthic and pelagic habitats contained saturated and unsaturated FAs, but on average there were more FAs relative to carbon in the pelagic habitat (44 6 29 mg mg C21) than the benthic habitat (23 6 18 mg mg C21) across all studied ponds. (2) We quantified the contribution of benthic mats to the …
Influence of littoral periphyton on whole-lake metabolism relates to littoral vegetation in humic lakes
The role of littoral habitats in lake metabolism has been underrated, especially in humic lakes, based on an assumption of low benthic primary production (PP) due to low light penetration into water. This assumption has been challenged by recent recognition of littoral epiphyton dominance of whole-lake PP in a small highly humic lake and of epiphyton as an important basal food source for humic lake biota. However, as these studies have mostly concerned single lakes, there is a need to test their wider generality. We studied the whole-lake PP and community respiration (CR) in eight small humic lakes in southern Finland during July 2015 using 14C incorporation to measure pelagic PP and the ch…