Vadims Geža

Turbulentās plūsmas raksturlielumu izpēte šķidrā metāla mērķī

Neitronu „atskaldīšana” tiek plaši izmantota dažādu materiālu pētniecībā un izstrādē, medicīnas jomā un dažādos fundamentālos pētījumos. Augstražīgās iekārtās šajā procesā izdalās liels siltuma daudzums, tādēļ siltuma aizvadīšana no darba zonas ir viens no svarīgākajiem aspektiem šķidrā metāla mērķa dizaina optimizācijā. Darbā tika veikti PIV mērījumi laboratorijas iekārtā ar ūdeni, kas sniedz priekšstatu par plūsmas raksturu un nodrošina skaitlisko aprēķinu (RANS un LES pieejas) eksperimentālās validēšanas iespējas. Mērījumu rezultātos parādītas turbulentās enerģijas ģenerācijas zonas, kas labi saskan ar teorētiskajiem priekšstatiem. Aprēķinu rezultāti parāda plaši pielietoto RANS turbulen…

research product

Computational and experimental studies of the flow field near the beam entrance window of a liquid metal target

Abstract After the first world liquid metal target has been successfully operated at the SINQ facility at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) for 6 months. The idea of having a reliable target with a bypass flow for cooling the beam entrance window, but with the bypass flow not driven by a separate pump, was examined within the project called LIMETS (Liquid Metal Target for SINQ). In designing of liquid metal targets, turbulence modelling is of high importance due to lack in methods for measuring the spatial distribution of flow and turbulence characteristics. In this study, validation of different turbulence models were performed in water model with hemispherical geometry using particle image…

research product

Thermal conductivity of disperse insulation materials and their mixtures

Development of new, more efficient thermal insulation materials is a key to reduction of heat losses and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Two innovative materials developed at Thermeko LLC are Izoprok and Izopearl. This research is devoted to experimental study of thermal insulation properties of both materials as well as their mixture. Results show that mixture of 40% Izoprok and 60% of Izopearl has lower thermal conductivity than pure materials. In this work, material thermal conductivity dependence temperature is also measured. Novel modelling approach is used to model spatial distribution of disperse insulation material. Computational fluid dynamics approach is also used to est…

research product

Stratificētas elektromagnētiski ierosinātas plūsmas izpēte šķidrajos metālos

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

EOF-Library: Open-source Elmer FEM and OpenFOAM coupler for electromagnetics and fluid dynamics

EOF-Library is a software that couples Elmer and OpenFOAM simulation packages. It enables efficient internal field interpolation and communication between the finite element and the finite volume frameworks. The coupling of the two packages is based on the Message Passing Interface, which results in low latency, high data bandwidth and parallel scalability. Potential applications are magnetohydrodynamics, convective cooling of electrical devices, industrial plasma physics and microwave heating. In this work we introduce the software and perform interpolation accuracy and parallel scaling tests by sending a known scalar distribution between the two codes. Keywords: Elmer, FEM, OpenFOAM, FVM,…

research product

Modelling of electromagnetic heating and mixing conditions in glass melt output equipment

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the outlet of a special glass melting system, which is used to control melt flow and modify flow pattern.Design/methodology/approachNumerical calculations in ANSYS and ANSYS CFX were used to study electromagnetic, thermal, hydrodynamic and chemical mixing processes, results are validated by comparison with experimental data.FindingsObtained results show that investigated approach can improve glass melt chemical homogeneity significantly – Lorentz force driven melt movement in conjunction with diffusion process ensures good mixing quality.Research limitations/implicationsThe mixing in glass melt is present only in azimuthal direction (in cyl…

research product

Application of AC and DC magnetic field for surface wave excitation to enhance mass transfer

Abstract Refining the metallic melts and removal of contaminants from the free surface may be sped up by increasing the surface area of mass exchange interface. It is relevant to both the case of volatile impurity evaporation in a vacuum as well as the case of chemical reactions when the continuous crust of reaction products should be interrupted. Previously proposed low-frequency AC magnetic field excitation of intense surface waves is limited by skin-effect. The induced sign-alternating forcing at high dimensionless frequency values becomes dominantly pulsing at considerably higher than unity values, delivering time-averaged stirring without intense surface waves. Superimposing DC magneti…

research product

Experimental investigation of low-frequency pulsed Lorentz force influence on the motion of Galinstan melt

Abstract The paper presents the results of the numerical and physical experiments, aimed at assessing the influence of pulsed force of electromagnetic field on the melt motion and the fluid velocities. The experiment was performed on the eutectic alloy Galinstan in the cylindrical volume, where an ultrasonic Doppler velocimeter was employed for velocity measurements under conditions of pulsed and steady EM field application. A numerical simulation of the melt flow, forced by the steady EM force, involved a 2D axisymmetric model. The k-e turbulence model was used to obtain the information about the melt velocities. The verification of the numerical model was carried out for the steady case. …

research product