Maria Caterina Ruta


research product

Gestos y palabras de los personajes femeninos del "Quijote"

research product

Capitulo 72

research product

El encuentro de dos poetas: Gérard de Nerval y Leopoldo de Luis

Edizione critica della traduzione manoscritta da parte del poeta Leopoldo de Luis del sonetto di Gerard de Nerval "El desdichado". L'edizione si basa su tre testimoni.

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I libri di cavalleria e il Don Chisciotte

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rec. a Assunta Polizzi (a cura di), Parole, discorsi, testi nelle culture ispaniche, Flaccovio, Palermo, 2008

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Exercicios de Estilo Cervantinos

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«El Quijote. Un libro semiótico para lecturas semióticas»

research product

El Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena de Apostolo Zeno y Pietro Pariati: del Quijote al libreto

Zeno and Pariati are the authors of the libretto Don Chisciotte in Sierra Morena, composed by Francesco Conti and represented for the first time in 1719 at the court of Charles VI in Vienna. The episode has a central position in the First Part of Don Quixote, and offers several themes and a set of characters that hinder any reduction other literary genres. Apart from some changes due both to the requirements of opera poetry and the taste of the time, the analysis of the text of the libretto reveals a faithful relationship with the corresponding chapters of the Spanish work. However, when analysing the development of the reception of the themes and characters of Quixote, starting from the da…

research product

«Presencias sicilianas en la vida de Cervantes»

research product

Rileggiamo il Don Chisicotte

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Il più grande romanzo del mondo

research product

Memoria del Quijote

Si esamina la cultura di Cervantes rispetto all'Italia, alcuni aspetti strutturali del Quijote, la ricezione dell'opera sia in ambito critico che della rielaborazione letteraria (Giovanni Meli)

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«In morte di Federico», in G. Minardi (a cura di), Neruda e la poesia del '900,


research product

Recensione a Maria Antonia Garcés, Cervantes in Algiers. A Captive's Tale, Nashville, Vanderbilt University Press, 2002. ISBN o-8265-1406-5

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research product

Fra "incipit" e "explicit" si costruisce una novella

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«Lecturas italianas de Cervantes»

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Novecento ispanico

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«Sulle teorie degli incipit e dei finali»

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«Elementos teatrales y elementos narrativos en los textos de cautiverio de Cervantes»

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Cervantes y las armas de amor

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rec. a Giovanna Minardi, Augusto Monterrosso e la minifinzione ispano-americana, Andrea Lippolis Editore, Messina,2007

research product

L'Italia nel Don Quijote di Cervantes

research product

Los comienzos y los finales de las Novelas ejemplares

research product

Una plaza de Palermo vista por Dionisio Ridruejo

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Comienzo y final de El amante liberal

research product

The Reception of Don Chisciotte in Italy About Three Recent Editions

Within the research promoted by the collection “Recreaciones Quijotescas en Europa” whose aim is to disseminate critical editions and translations of rewritings or reassessments of Quijote by Miguel de Cervantes, three librettos of Italian operas from the first half of the 18th century have been published. The operas were performed at the Viennese court of Charles VI, where the poets Apostolo Zeno and Pietro Pariati, authors of the libretto Don Quixote in Sierra Morena, and Claudio Pasquini, author of Don Quixote in court of the Duchess and Sancio Panza governor of the island Barattaria, had been invited to work. In the essays preceding these editions, the specialists involved in the resear…

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Comienzos y finales de algunas novelas interpoladas del Quijote


research product

«Dionisio Ridruejo entre vanguardia y ‘retórica falangista’»

research product