Gabriele Boscaino
Analysis Of The Effects Of Speed Bumps On Vehicle Vertical Path
Texture indicators and surface performance in flexible pavemenet
Evaluation of the laboratory prediction of surface properties of bituminous mixtures. Construction and Building Materials. Volume 23. Issue 2. Elsevier Ltd, Amsterdam. ISSN: 0950-0618 pp. 943–952
An experimental and analytical investigation was carried out both in laboratory and in situ on wearing courses. The approach presented in this paper aims to predict the in situ density and surface properties of bituminous layers, during the phase of mix design in laboratory. Therefore, the main attempt of this study is to identify, amongst the commonly available laboratory equipments, the most adequate for producing specimens that, used for carrying out simple and reliable laboratory test, allow the prediction of the surface characteristics of the mixture as laid on site. This is done by comparing the data collected from an experimental site with those calculated from laboratory specimens c…
Cantieri temporanei o mobili: metodologia di redazione del PSC ex Titolo IV del TU
L’evoluzione della legislazione in materia di tutela della salute e di salvaguardia dell’integrità fisica del lavoratore nei cantieri temporanei o mobili ha portato all’affermazione del principio della progettazione della sicurezza come prevalente strategia di prevenzione dei rischi e quindi di riduzione degli infortuni. Il Piano di sicurezza e coordinamento (PSC), principale strumento di attuazione di tale indirizzo, ormai accompagna l’attività di cantiere nella maggior parte dei casi; infatti, sono ormai molto limitate le circostanze che esonerano il Committente dalla nomina del Coordinatore della sicurezza in fase di progettazione (CSP), il cui compito fondamentale è proprio la redazione…
Un catalogo prestazionale per manti superficiali in conglomerato bituminoso
Determination by solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in bitumen fumes during road paving
Evaluation of the laboratory prediction of surface properties of bituminous mixtures
Abstract An experimental and analytical investigation was carried out both in laboratory and in situ on wearing courses. The approach presented in this paper aims to predict the in situ density and surface properties of bituminous layers, during the phase of mix design in laboratory. Therefore, the main attempt of this study is to identify, amongst the commonly available laboratory equipments, the most adequate for producing specimens that, used for carrying out simple and reliable laboratory test, allow the prediction of the surface characteristics of the mixture as laid on site. This is done by comparing the data collected from an experimental site with those calculated from laboratory sp…