Sapino A.
Reccomendations for using of molecular assays on liquid biopsy: The first document provided by intersociety Group AIOM, SIF, SIAPEC-IAP, SIBioC
Liquid biopsy in cancer patients is mainly based on the analysis of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) enriched from biological fluids. This approach has more recently been proposed for the detection of oncogenic alterations in blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), or urine through the use of sensitive technologies, mainly digital PCR (ddPCR) and massive parallel sequencing (MPS). Liquid biopsies have the advantage of overcoming some of the drawbacks associated with tumor biopsies, being blood samples easy to obtain from patients. Plasma ctDNA may better represent the total landscape of oncogenic alterations found across all tumor sites. Several commercially available liquid biopsy platforms based o…
Corrigendum: Dissection of DLBCL microenvironment provides a gene expression-based predictor of survival applicable to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (Annals of Oncology (2018) 29 (2363-2370) DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdy450)
The affiliations of authors T. Venesio and A. Sapino were originally incorrect. These have now been corrected as per the author listing above.