José Franco Serrano
Drainage of a Mediastinal Cyst by Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Needle Aspiration
Drenaje de quiste mediastínico mediante aspiración con aguja fina guiada por ecobroncoscopia
Aportación del bloque celular obtenido por ecobroncoscopia al diagnóstico de adenopatías y masas hiliares o mediastínicas
Pulmonary Thromboembolism Diagnosed by Endobronchial Ultrasound
Pulmonary Strongyloides stercoralis infection.
Tromboembolismo pulmonar diagnosticado mediante ecobroncoscopia
Infestación pulmonar por Strongyloides stercoralis
The Contribution of Cell Blocks in the Diagnosis of Mediastinal Masses and Hilar Adenopathy Samples from Echobronchoscopy
Effect of oocyte vitrification on embryo quality: time-lapse analysis and morphokinetic evaluation.
To analyze whether oocyte vitrification may affect subsequent embryo development from a morphokinetic standpoint by means of time-lapse imaging.Observational cohort study.University-affiliated private IVF center.Ovum donation cycles conducted with the use of vitrified (n = 631 cycles; n = 3,794 embryos) or fresh oocytes (n = 1,359 cycles; n = 9,935 embryos) over 2 years.None.Embryo development was analyzed in a time-lapse imaging incubator. The studied variables included time to 2 cells (t2), 3 cells (t3), 4 cells (t4), 5 cells (t5), morula (tM), and cavitated, early, and hatching blastocyst (tB, tEB, tHB) as well as 2nd cell cycle duration (cc2 = t3 - t2). All of the embryos were classifie…