H. Mislin

Patterns of Reversal in the Heart of Ciona Intestinalis L.

The reversal of the heart beat is not exclusive to tunicates, for Marcello Malpighi in 1660 described periodic reversal in Bombyx mori and in some Orthoptera. In 1821 Kuhl and van Hasselt reported the phenomenon in Ciona intestinalis L. We have observed reversal in many active pulsating blood vessels, both in vertebrates and in invertebrates, and even in embryonic heart tubes. Using four or five suction electrodes simultaneously, we were able to record electrical activity from multiple sites. Normally, the contraction wave originates from a localized site at one end of the tube and then traverses the whole length of the heart. When a wave of excitation does not propagate the full length, th…

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The active venous pulse in the wing circulation of bats (Chiroptera). A contribution to comparative angiology.

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Über eine spontane Extrasystolie im Schrittmachersystem des Tunicatenherzens (Ciona intestinalis L.)

Some experimental results on action potential (EKG) in the pacemaker system of the tunicata heart (Ciona intestinalis) are presented. Synchronous records of both end and central heart regions show a spontaneous chance of the electrical activity in the middle of the heart tube, just before the periodic reversal of the direction of the pulsating wave starts. Extra systoles in the central pacemaker influence the terminal centres and provoke reversal.

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Die rhythmischen Spontanentladungen im Zentralnervensystem der Tintenfische

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Experimenteller Nachweis der autochthonen Automatie der Lymphgefässe

It is shown that the peristaltic activity of the isolated mesenterial-lymph vessels of mammals (Cavia porcellus L.) is provoked by two different stimuli: 1. by extension (internal pressure of the vessel: 2–25 cm H2O); 2. by temperature (biokinetic Temperature-Space of 23°; between 22–45°C). Based on these experiments, the autochthonous automaticy of the lymph vessels has been proved.

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Active contractility of the lymphangion and coordination of lymphangion chains

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