A. Salam
Oral and Poster Papers Submitted for Presentation at the 5th Congress of the EUGMS “Geriatric Medicine in a Time of Generational Shift September 3–6, 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark
Interaction effects in ${\bm K^+}$ photoproduction on the deuteron
Kaon photoproduction on the deuteron is studied with respect to a specific two-body contribution, namely a pion mediated production process, besides other final state interaction contributions from kaon-nucleon and hyperon-nucleon scattering. In this process, a pion is first photoproduced on one nucleon and then interacts with the spectator nucleon in a strangeness exchange reaction leading to a kaon and a hyperon. A sizeable effect from this pion mediated contribution is found, considerably larger than the previously studied hyperon-nucleon rescattering, whereas kaon-nucleon rescattering is much less important. Besides total and semi-inclusive differential cross sections, tensor target asy…