M. V. Andrs
Acoustically Q-switched single-frequency fibre laser
Supercontinuum generation with 532 nm quasi-continuum pulses in photonic crystal fibre tapers
We report experimental results on supercontinuum generation in PCF tapers using quasi-continuous pump pulses of 7 ns duration at 532 nm. SC generation in normal and anomalous dispersion regimes are presented. Introduction Supercontinuum generation (SC) in photonic crystal fibres (PCF), fibre tapers, and PCF tapers has been demonstrated in the past with pump pulses of fs, ps, and tenths of ns duration [1-2]. Here, we present experimental results on SC generation in PCF tapers using quasi-continuous pump pulses of 7 ns duration at 532 nm. Fabrication of the PCF tapers The PCF from which the tapers were made, was a large-air-hole PCF ("cobweb" PCF) with two rings of air holes around a solid si…