Emergence of regional leadership – a field approach
ABSTRACTEmergence of regional leadership – a field approach. Regional Studies. The complex processes associated with the emergence of regional leadership are interpreted in this paper through a field theoretical framework, and are discussed with example cases relating to green economy developments in four Nordic regions. It is argued that macro- and meso-level processes create opportunities and constraints for local agency, and how local agency can respond to this is discussed. Field theory offers a novel perspective on regional leadership because it helps one gain a deeper understanding of the various forms regional leadership can take.
Fremtidens Havvind – Utfordringer og muligheter for regional verdiskaping på Agder
Utbygging av havvind posisjoneres som fremtidens fornybare energikilde i Norge og globalt. Internasjonale, nasjonale og regionale aktører posisjonerer nå Agder, som nøkkelregion for den norske havvindsatsningen. Hvis havvindsatsningen skal bidra til fornybar energi, er vi også nødt til å forstå hvilke utfordringer og muligheter det skaper i de kystregioner, som skal bidra til utbyggingen til havs. Det er også behov for å utforske miljø-, styrings- og fordelingsmessige betingelser og modeller for havvindsatsingen i Agder. Universitet i Agder inviterte sammen med Fremtidens Havvind og Agder fylkeskommune til regionalt dialogseminar 12. Januar 2023 i Mandal. Det var 60 deltakere fra offentlig …
The role of local government in rural communities: culture-based development strategies
This paper discusses local development and various governance strategies that local governments can use to engage actors in rural communities and resources from a broader environment to achieve des...
Managing innovation of care services: An exploration of Norwegian municipalities
AbstractThe social impact of care services provided by the public sector is significant. Nevertheless, these services have received relatively little attention from prior innovation management practices research. This paper addresses this gap by raising the question: What characterises management-driven innovation processes in public organisations providing care services? The qualitative exploration of this question is based on in-depth interviews with key managers in three Norwegian municipalities, and in-depth observation of one ongoing innovation initiative in one municipality. Our findings supplement the findings of prior research by showing that different actors are involved in differe…
Refstie, Hilde. 2018. Voicing Noise — Action Research with Informal Settlement Groups in Malawi.
In the thesis, Hilde Refstie explores the space for transformative participation within participatory urban planning practices in Malawi. The more specific research questions are (p. 22): ‘What are...
Hvordan skapes rom for «omvendt deltakelse» i bærekraftig lokal samfunnsutvikling – aksjonsforskningens roller og bevegelser
Det er økende oppmerksomhet på potensialer for borgeres engasjement i bærekraftig omstilling og lokaliseringen av FNs bærekraftsmål. Flere forsknings- og policyrapporter etterlyser bedre forståelse for hvordan bærekraft kan «oversettes» og implementeres i lokal planlegging og handling. Bærekraftig samfunnsomstilling krever bedre forståelser for hvordan offentlige/kommunale systemer kan samarbeide med borgerinitiativer – samtidig som de lokale initiativene bevarer selvstendighet og lokal forankring. I denne artikkelen tar vi utgangspunkt i en aksjonsforskningsprosess med borgerinitiativer i Oslo og ByKuben, Oslo kommunes senter for byøkologi. Vi utforsker hvordan det kan skapes rom for delta…
What shapes Norwegian wind power policy? Analysing the constructing forces of policymaking and emerging questions of energy justice
Abstract This paper employs an assemblage theoretical approach to analyse how Norwegian land-based wind power policies are constructed over time and what forces dominate and resist wind power policy development. The entanglement of policies, technology deployment and (lack of) social acceptance emphasizes the need to critically question what and who influence the construction of energy transition policies and how and what concerns are left out, especially in relation to the tenets of energy justice. We find that wind power policies are primarily influenced by energy authorities, developers and interest organizations, furthering arguments of climate concerns, energy security and economic opp…
Planning for Sustainability: Between Risks and Lifeworlds
In this chapter, Planning for sustainability: Between risks and lifeworlds, Mikaela Vasstrom and Hans Kjetil Lysgard present ideas of a planning study that takes a critical perspective on planning. What are the alternative planning ideas? Planning is a field where different paradigms meet. How can one approach that? Their suggestion is a combination of participatory and critical planning. There is a strong account of planning and sustainability with better links between planning and Higher Education. Empowerment may provide a connection. For both planning and education, we need an understanding of context. The discussion of universities is thought-provoking.
Field analysis of industrial development in a peripheral region of Norway
The paper explores how industrial development can occur in a peripheral region through the gradual development of strategic coherence between organisations, materiality, and agency. In a longitudinal case study of how the mechatronics industry became a main area for regional development spanning 50 years in the region of Agder in Norway, the authors have followed how national and regional innmovation policies, individual actors, and organisational strategies eventually flow together and influence organisations and firms to collaborate towards new and shared aims. In the paper, the authors perform field theory analysis, with emphasis on the significance of the development of reciprocal relat…