Klinische Relevanz der Anti-CEA-Immunszintigraphie mit dem99mTc-markierten monoklonalen Antikörper BW 431/26
The results of 119 radioimmunoscintigraphies (RIS) in 113 patients with the 99mTc-labeled monoclonal anti-CEA-antibody BW 431/26 (Behring) have been analysed. The aim of our study was the estimation of the method's sensitivity and specificity under different aspects to find out for which indications and questions the 99mTc-RIS is useful. Colorectal primary tumours in 19 patients were scintigraphically detected with a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 100%; 3 out of 7 other tumour sites were localised correctly. 55 patients were examined during the follow-up of colorectal cancer. There were 17 out of 22 true positive findings of local recurrences (sensitivity 77%, specificity 88%). Liv…