Mihails ŠčEpanskis
Redistribution of solid inclusions in the turbulent flow of metallurgical induction furnaces
The magnetohydrodynamic force experienced by spherical iron particles in liquid metal
Abstract The paper contains a theoretical investigation of magnetohydrodynamic force experienced by iron particles (well-conducting and ferromagnetic) in well-conducting liquid. The investigation is performed by extending the Leenov and Kolin's theory to take into account the second-order effect. Therefore, the limits of the parent model are taken over to the present results. It is found that the effective conductivity of iron particles in liquid metal, which is important for practical application of the theoretically obtained force, is approximately equal to 1.5·106 S/m. The last result is obtained using a quasi-empirical approach – a comparison of experimental results with the results of …
A Model for Homogenization of Solid Alloying Admixtures in an Induction Crucible Furnace
The paper presents a methodology for identification of homogenization time of alloying inclusions in an induction crucible furnace. The methodology is based on the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Euler-Lagrange calculation of inclusions and a regression model for size of the inclusions and their density. The presented regression model avoids the repeated LES calculations and, therefore, is suitable for an optimization task.
Solid inclusions in an electromagnetically induced recirculated turbulent flow: Simulation and experiment
Abstract The paper presents the numerical and the experimental investigation of the particle-laden recirculated turbulent flow of liquid metal that is driven by electromagnetic force. Such flow is typical for induction metallurgical furnaces. The paper describes the behaviour of solid spherical particles that are mixed in the flow from a top surface of a melt and covers 3 stages of an admixing process as well as deposition of inclusions on the wall of a vessel. Experimental investigation of particles concentration at the quasi-stationary stage is fulfilled on the basis of a novel idea: ferromagnetic particles are proposed as a physical model of non-conductive inclusions in liquid metal at t…
Statistical analysis of the influence of forces on particles in EM driven recirculated turbulent flows
The present paper contains an analysis of the statistical distribution of forces affecting non-conducting particles dispersed in an EM induced recirculated flow in induction furnaces. The simulation is conducted adopting the LES-based Euler-Lagrange approach in the limit of dilute conditions (one-way coupling). It is done by means of a development of OpenFOAM software code. The used Lagrange equation for particle tracking includes drag, EM, buoyancy, lift, acceleration and added mass forces. The relevant approximations for the forces are chosen on the basis of the statistical analysis of the non-dimensional parameters (particle Reynolds number, shear stress and acceleration parameter). The …
The modelling of the behaviour of solid inclusions in the EM induced recirculated turbulent flows of liquid metal
Promocijas darbā skaitliski un eksperimentāli pētītas noslēgtas elektromagnētiski ierosinātas šķidrā metāla turbulentās plūsmas ar cietām daļiņām. Šādas plūsmas veidojas metalurģiskajās indukcijas krāsnīs. Darbā ir izveidots uz LES plūsmas aprēķina pieejas bāzēts Lagranža modelis ar paplašinātu spēku kopu inerciālo daļiņu pārneses aprakstam. Veikts eksperimentāls daļiņu koncentrācijas pētījums kvazi-stacionārā stāvoklī, izmantojot jaunu ideju: ferromagnētiskās daļiņas izmantotas kā nevadošu daļiņu fiziskais modelis šķidrajā metālā - tas ir pirmais zināmais eksperimentālais darbs cietu ieslēgumu sadalījuma analīzē elektormagnētiski ierosinātu šķidro metālu plūsmu iekšienē. Eksperiments pierā…
Neutron Radiography Visualization of Solid Particles in Stirring Liquid Metal
Abstract This paper presents the analysis of the first dynamic neutron radiography experiment that visualized motion of solid particles in liquid metal, which was stirred by a system of four counter-rotating magnets. The paper also contains the quantitative results derived from neutron images: the distribution of particle concentration, number of admixed particles and velocities as functions of the magnet rotation speed.
Cieto piemaisījumu dinamikas modelēšana EM ierosinātās, noslēgtās, turbulentās šķidrā metāla plūsmās
Mihaila Ščepanska promocijas darba „Cieto piemaisījumu dinamikas modelēšana EM ierosinātās, noslēgtās, turbulentās šķidra metāla plūsmās” anotācija latviešu valodā Promocijas darbā skaitliski un eksperimentāli pētītas noslēgtas elektromagnētiski ierosinātas šķidrā metāla turbulentās plūsmas ar cietām daļiņām. Šādas plūsmas veidojas metalurģiskajās indukcijas krāsnīs. Darbā ir izveidots uz LES plūsmas aprēķina pieejas bāzēts Lagranža modelis ar paplašinātu spēku kopu inerciālo daļiņu pārneses aprakstam. Veikts eksperimentāls daļiņu koncentrācijas pētījums kvazi-stacionārā stāvoklī, izmantojot jaunu ideju: ferromagnētiskās daļiņas izmantotas kā nevadošu daļiņu fiziskais modelis šķidrajā metāl…