Andreas Buchleitner
Quantum Stochastic Resonance in a Micromaser
We demonstrate that quantum stochastic resonance allows for the noise-controlled synchronization of quantum jumps between the metastable states of the quantized radiation field in a micromaser. Under readily accessible experimental conditions optimal synchronization is achieved at a finite temperature $T\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}500\mathrm{mK}$ of the environment.
Scale-free relaxation of a wave packet in a quantum well with power-law tails
We propose a setup for which a power-law decay is predicted to be observable for generic and realistic conditions. The system we study is very simple: A quantum wave packet initially prepared in a potential well with (i) tails asymptotically decaying like ~ x^{-2} and (ii) an eigenvalues spectrum that shows a continuous part attached to the ground or equilibrium state. We analytically derive the asymptotic decay law from the spectral properties for generic, confined initial states. Our findings are supported by realistic numerical simulations for state-of-the-art expansion experiments with cold atoms.
Intrinsic quantum chaos and spectral fluctuations within the protactinium atom
Multiple Time Scales in the Microwave Ionization of Rydberg Atoms
We investigate the time dependence of the ionization probability of Rydberg atoms driven by microwave fields, both numerically and experimentally. Our exact quantum results provide evidence for an algebraic decay law on suitably chosen time scales, a phenomenon that is considered to be the signature of nonhyperbolic scattering in unbounded classically chaotic motion.