H. Mohr
Duplexsonographische Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese der lienalen Hämodynamik bei Leberzirrhose
AIM OF STUDY The haemodynamic role of the spleen in portal hypertension remains unclear. Duplex sonography was undertaken prospectively to discover the relationship of splenomegaly and splenic vein flow to type and severity of liver cirrhosis and portal vein flow, as well as to the degree of oesophageal varices. PATIENTS AND METHODS 89 patients (54 men, 35 women; mean age 52 [26-81] years), diagnosed in the second half of 1993 as having liver cirrhosis were consecutively included in the study. In 40 patients the cirrhosis was in stage A (according to Child-Pugh classification), in 31 in stage B and in 18 in stage C. RESULTS Portal vein flow fell significantly with increasing degree of cirrh…
Die Duplexsonographie der Leber und des Pfortadersystems
□ Die Duplexsonographie ermoglicht die Beurteilung der Hamodynamik des gesamten portalvenosen und Lebervenengefassystems. Die Methode ist etabliert als „noninvasive Splenoportographie” und hat einen hohen diagnostischen Rang durch fruhzeitigen und schnellen Nachweis von Pfortader- und Milzvenenthrombosen, dem Budd-Chiari-Syndrom, der Darstellung portosystemischer Kollateralen und Veranderungen der Stromungsrichtung in der Pfortader.