Characterization of the interaction of the antifungal and cytotoxic cyclic glycolipopeptide hassallidin with sterol-containing lipid membranes.
Hassallidins are cyclic glycolipopeptides produced by cyanobacteria and other prokaryotes. The hassallidin structure consists of a peptide ring of eight amino acids where a fatty acid chain, additional amino acids, and sugar moieties are attached. Hassallidins show antifungal activity against several opportunistic human pathogenic fungi, but does not harbor antibacterial effects. However, they have not been studied on mammalian cells, and the mechanism of action is unknown. We purified hassallidin D from cultured cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. UHCC 0258 and characterized its effect on mammalian and fungal cells. Ultrastructural analysis showed that hassallidin D disrupts cell membranes, causin…