Gorazd Cvetič
Mass of the bottom quark from Upsilon(1S) at NNNLO: an update
We update our perturbative determination of MSbar bottom quark mass mb(mb), by including the recently obtained four-loop coefficient in the relation between the pole and MSbar mass. First the renormalon subtracted (RS or RS') mass is determined from the known mass of the Upsilon(1S) meson, where we use the renormalon residue Nm obtained from the asymptotic behavior of the coefficient of the 3-loop static singlet potential. MSbar mass is then obtained using the 4-loop renormalon-free relation between the RS (RS') and MSbar mass. We argue that the effects of the charm quark mass are accounted for by effectively using Nf=3 in the mass relations. The extracted value is mb(mb) = 4222(40) MeV, wh…
anQCD: Fortran programs for couplings at complex momenta in various analytic QCD models
We provide three Fortran programs which evaluate the QCD analytic (holomorphic) couplings $\mathcal{A}_{\nu}(Q^2)$ for complex or real squared momenta $Q^2$. These couplings are holomorphic analogs of the powers $a(Q^2)^{\nu}$ of the underlying perturbative QCD (pQCD) coupling $a(Q^2) \equiv \alpha_s(Q^2)/\pi$, in three analytic QCD models (anQCD): Fractional Analytic Perturbation Theory (FAPT), Two-delta analytic QCD (2$\delta$anQCD), and Massive Perturbation Theory (MPT). The index $\nu$ can be noninteger. The provided programs do basically the same job as the Mathematica package anQCD.m in Mathematica published by us previously, Ref.[1], but are now written in Fortran.
CP-violation with bosons
We formulate the conditions under which a purely bosonic theory (without fermions) containing neutral spin-0 particles and vector (gauge) bosons violates the CP-symmetry through the presence of CP-even and CP-odd operators in the Lagrangian. This is done without reference to explicitly CP-violating scalar sector of extended standard models (SM) with two or more Higgs doublets. The Lagrangian expressed in the mass basis of the spin-0 fields can, however, in certain cirumstances be identified with a part of the CP-violating SM with two Higgs doublets. It is instructive to consider the manifestation of CP-violation in the mass basis since this leads directly to suggestions of genuine CP-signal…