Denis Cana
Experimental lung injury induces cerebral cytokine mRNA production in pigs
Background Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is an important disease with a high incidence among patients admitted to intensive care units. Over the last decades, the survival of critically ill patients has improved; however, cognitive deficits are among the long-term sequelae. We hypothesize that acute lung injury leads to upregulation of cerebral cytokine synthesis. Methods After approval of the institutional and animal care committee, 20 male pigs were randomized to one of three groups: (1) Lung injury by oleic acid injection (OAI), (2) ventilation only (CTR) or (3) untreated. We compared neuronal numbers, proportion of neurons with markers for apoptosis, activation state of Ib…
Identification of an Immunogenic Medulloblastoma-Specific Fusion Involving EPC2 and GULP1
Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in children. Immunotherapy is yet to demonstrate dramatic results in medulloblastoma, one reason being the low rate of mutations creating new antigens in this entity. In tumors with low mutational burden, gene fusions may represent a source of tumor-specific neoantigens. Here, we reviewed the landscape of fusions in medulloblastoma and analyzed their predicted immunogenicity. Furthermore, we described a new in-frame fusion protein identified by RNA-Seq. The fusion involved two genes on chromosome 2 coding for the enhancer of polycomb homolog 2 (EPC2) and GULP PTB domain containing engulfment adaptor 1 (GULP1) respectively. By qRT-PCR …