J. A. Ermert
Magnetic resonance imaging of dysraphic myelodysplasia
The spinal cord in 56 children and adolescents was examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) many years after neonatal surgery on a meningomyelocele (average age 12 years). In a high percentage of cases, the diagnosis "tethered cord" was made. Associated anomalies were found with a frequency of 21%. Typical findings are presented and the impact of these results on therapy planning is discussed.
Cerebral and spinal MR-findings in patients with postrepair myelomeningocele
In 114 patients with postrepair myelomeningocele MRI of the spine was performed. Tethered cord (89%) and associated malformations (syrinx, lipoma etc.) (33%) were the most important findings. Additional MRI scans of the head (44 patients) revealed numerous further anomalies. Arnold Chiari malformation was found in 76% of the patients (ACM I: 32%, ACM II: 44%). In the ACM II group compression of lower cranial nerves, brain stem, and cerebellum can lead to considerable neurologic symptoms. Therefore in patients with progressive neurologic dysfunction a complete investigation of the whole spine and brain is necessary. MRI proves to be the diagnostic procedure of choice in patients with dysraph…