P. Pfannenstiel
Magnetic resonance imaging of dysraphic myelodysplasia
The spinal cord in 56 children and adolescents was examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) many years after neonatal surgery on a meningomyelocele (average age 12 years). In a high percentage of cases, the diagnosis "tethered cord" was made. Associated anomalies were found with a frequency of 21%. Typical findings are presented and the impact of these results on therapy planning is discussed.
Information processing in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.
An extended image analysis and classification system is presented to discuss the principal composition of the components as well as the methods of its realization in the field of reference based NMR diagnostics and tissue characterization.
MRI studies after treatment of brain tumors in childhood and adolescence
Forty-seven children and adolescents with brain tumors were examined by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after tumor resection. The typical changes and complications after surgery and chemotherapy, as well as the corresponding MRI findings, are discussed. Typical examples of boundary-layer lesions, tumor recurrences, hydrocephalus, porencephalic cysts, and hygromas are given.