Benchmarking plant diversity of Palaearctic grasslands and other open habitats
© 2021 The Authors.
Phytosociological survey of juniper wood vegetation in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)
The paper presents the first syntaxonomic classification for juniper wood communities in Tajikistan with some remarks on their environmental gradients. A total of 119 relevés were sampled between 2015 and 2021 using the seven-degree Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance scale. They were classified by a modified TWINSPAN method. Diagnostic species were identified using phi coefficient as a fidelity measure. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was used to determine relationships between samples, vegetation units and major gradients in species composition. Plant communities have been divided into two main groups. The first one is a west Irano-Turanian wood of Juniperus polycarpos var. seravschani…
Syntaxonomy and biogeography of the Irano‐Turanian mires and springs
Aims: To develop the first comprehensive syntaxonomic classification for patchy montane mire and spring vegetation across the Irano-Turanian phytogeographical region in Iran, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and to explore the effects of the main environmental and geographic gradients on their distribution. Location: Alborz Mountain range (Iran), Pamir-Alai Mountains (Tajikistan) and Tian Shan Mountains (Kyrgyzstan); total area of about 3,000,000 km2. Methods: A database of 1,015 vegetation relevés including a total of 675 vascular and bryophyte taxa was established, covering the large mountains ranges of the Irano-Turanian regions in Iran, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, at altitude ranging from 1,300…
Diversity, distribution, and classification of chasmophytic vegetation in the Central Asian biodiversity hotspot : alpine belt of the Eastern Pamir-Alai and Western Tian Shan Mountains
AbstractThis paper presents the results of research conducted on chasmophytic vegetation occurring within the alpine belt (approx. 1,850–4,000 m a.s.l.) in the eastern part of Middle Asia. We specifically focused on the diversity and syntaxonomy of rock vegetation as well as on environmental variables determining its distribution. Altogether, 242 relevés were sampled in rock fissures, ledges, and clefts during field surveys conducted in 2013–2019. The size of each recorded vegetation plot was 1 m2. Five main groups of chasmophytic vegetation were distinguished in the studied area. Each group was confined to a specific combination of substrate type and climatic conditions. Altogether, 16 spe…
GrassPlot v. 2.00 : first update on the database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands
Abstract: GrassPlot is a collaborative vegetation-plot database organised by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG) and listed in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD ID EU-00-003). Following a previous Long Database Report (Dengler et al. 2018, Phyto- coenologia 48, 331–347), we provide here the first update on content and functionality of GrassPlot. The current version (GrassPlot v. 2.00) contains a total of 190,673 plots of different grain sizes across 28,171 independent plots, with 4,654 nested-plot series including at least four grain sizes. The database has improved its content as well as its functionality, including addition and harmonization of header data (land use,…
Red List of vascular plants of Tajikistan – the core area of the Mountains of Central Asia global biodiversity hotspot
AbstractCentral Pamir-Alai, which is located almost entirely within the area of Tajikistan, is one of the world hotspots of biodiversity, harbouring ca. 4,300 species and 1,400 endemic plants. The first application of the IUCN Red List criteria reveals that among all native species occurring in Tajikistan 1,627 taxa (38.11%) are threatened, including 23 extinct (0.54%), 271 (6.34%) critically endangered (CR), 717 (16.79%) endangered (EN) and 639 (14.96%) vulnerable (VU). Globally, 20 taxa are extinct, 711 (16.65%) threatened, including 144 (3.37%) critically endangered, 322 (7.54%) endangered and 245 (5.73%) vulnerable. As we found positive correlation between human density and the number o…
Is it possible to understand a book missing a quarter of the letters? Unveiling the belowground species richness of grasslands
Abstract Knowledge of species richness patterns in plant communities is biased toward its hidden belowground part and is derived only from the part visible aboveground. Studies on the relationship of the above- to belowground parts of plant communities suffer from the lack of a consistent and uniform approach to assess their taxonomic composition, particularly in species-rich ecosystems. This study described the proportion between above- and belowground parts of vegetation in three grassland types along with the environmental factors that affect them, using eDNA metabarcoding and an observer survey. The internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region was used to analyze the total plant richness…
Syntaxonomy, diversity and distribution of the vegetation of rock crevices, clefts and ledges in the colline and montane belts of Central Pamir-Alai and Western Tian Shan Mts (Middle Asia)
Mountain areas are very often considered to be biodiversity hotspots. Rocks are one of the most unique habitats and serve as a suitable biotope for many endemic and specialized plant species. Here we present the results of the vegetation studies conducted in central and eastern Pamir-Alai and the south-western Tian Shan mountains in 2013‒2019. Based on 334 phytosociological relevés we propose a synopsis of the rock communities of the montane and colline zones of eastern Middle Asia. As a result of our research, we distinguish 17 communities defined into five groups of petrophytic vegetation within the Caricion koshewnikowii alliance. We describe 11 new associations: Feruletum bucharicae, Sc…
New syntaxa of tall-forb vegetation in the Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan Mts. (Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, Middle Asia) – an addendum to Nowak et al. 2020
We validate eleven syntaxa (eight associations and three alliances) of tall-forb vegetation that were published earlier as nomina provisoria according to the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. The validation concerns syntaxa of tall-forb vegetation of the class Prangetea ulopterae Klein 1987 reported from Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan Mountains (Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan). Taxonomic reference: Cherepanov (1995). Abbreviations: ICPN = International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature.
Fungal root colonization and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi diversity in soils of grasslands with different mowing intensities
management that has changed in recent decades. The intensity of human-induced disturbances (primarily removal of plant biomass by various methods) has decreased, leading to changes in plant species composition and declines in plant diversity in these communities. So far, no studies have shown how mowing affects fungal communities in both roots and soils and their relation with plant community parameters and soil chemical properties in different grassland types. We thus compared the impact of mowing intensity (low, moderate, high) on root colonization by common root-inhabiting fungi, namely arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), dark septate endophytes (DSE), and Olpidium spp., as well as on AM…
Looking for Hidden Enemies of Metabarcoding: Species Composition, Habitat and Management Can Strongly Influence DNA Extraction while Examining Grassland Communities
Despite the raising preoccupation, the critical question of how the plant community is composed belowground still remains unresolved, particularly for the conservation priority types of vegetation. The usefulness of metabarcoding analysis of the belowground parts of the plant community is subjected to a considerable bias, that often impedes detection of all species in a sample due to insufficient DNA quality or quantity. In the presented study we have attempted to find environmental factors that determine the amount and quality of DNA extracted from total plant tissue from above- and belowground samples (1,000 and 10,000 cm2). We analyzed the influence of land use intensity, soil properties…
Syntaxonomy and ecology of thermophilous deciduous open woodlands and scrub vegetation in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)
In this paper we present the first syntaxonomic classification for the thermophilous open wood and scrub vegetation in Tajikistan with some remarks on its environmental gradients. Altogether 143 relevés were sampled between 2014–2021 using the seven-degree cover-abundance scale of Braun-Blanquet. They were classified by the modified TWINSPAN method with the use of the four step interval scale with cutoff levels of 0%, 2%, 5% and 10% and total inertia as a measure of cluster heterogeneity. Diagnostic species were identified using the phi coefficient as a fidelity measure. Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to determine the relation between samples, vegetation units and the major grad…
Syntaxonomy and ecology of mesophilous scrub vegetation in Tajikistan (Middle Asia)
Aims: In this paper we propose the first syntaxonomic classification for the mesophilous scrub vegetation in Tajikistan with some remarks on their environmental variability. Methods: Altogether 120 relevés were sampled using the standard, seven-degree cover-abundance scale of Braun-Blanquet, in 2015–2021. They were classified by the modified TWINSPAN method using the four step interval scale with cutoff levels of 0%, 2%, 5% and 10% and total inertia as a measure of cluster heterogeneity. Diagnostic species were identified using the phi coefficient as a fidelity measure. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) was used to determine the relationship between the sampled plots, vegetation units…
Varied response of underground and aboveground plant matter: functional diversity of three different vegetational types after translocation to reclaimed postindustrial land
The indicators of functional diversity are increasingly used to assess the conservation effectiveness of the most valuable habitats. However, little is known about the response of functional traits, their diversity, and divergence in plant communities after translocation. To assess how functional diversity changes on dry heath, meadow, and fen after translocation of entire turfs of vegetation from an airport area to the Botanical Garden in Radzionkow, we used leaf–height–seed (LHS) traits (specific leaf area, height, and seed mass) and vegetative traits (bud bank size, bud bank depth, and lateral spread). We also measured community weighted means and multifunctional diversity metrics (funct…
Functional diversity of different vegetation types does not respond homogeneously to change over time after conservation translocation from a rural landscape to an urbanized one
Abstract The anthropogenic impact on natural environments and the loss of species diversity along with changes in functional diversity call for effective steps to ensure habitat conservation. The functional diversity in particular has suffered in recent decades due to investment and land use changes. The translocation of whole turfs of certain vegetation plots prior to being destroyed is one possible solution for maintaining habitat functional diversity. In the presented paper, we analyse the functional changes in adaptive, regeneration and urbanity plant traits for meadow, heath and fen that were translocated from a rural site to a post-industrial site in a city. After five years of monito…
Palaeoclimate has a major effect on the diversity of endemic species in the hotspot of mountain biodiversity in Tajikistan.
AbstractIn a period of ongoing climate changes, identifying drivers of overall and endemic species diversity is a key element in constructing new ecological patterns and determining the main goals of conservation. Such studies are especially crucial if they concern biodiversity hotspot areas. In this study, we explore patterns and drivers of plant endemism (the proportion of endemic plant species to overall plant species richness; PE) in Tajikistan. We used three groups of climatic measures featuring the contemporary and glacial climates as well as climatic changes since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Pleistocene (LGM). To explore relationships between PE and climatic groups, and the most …
Distribution of graminoids in open habitats in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
Aims: Landscapes of Middle Asia are exposed to human influence due to long-lasting pastoral tradition, and now are largely dominated by non-forest vegetation. Graminoids perform key ecosystem functions, and constitute an important feed source for livestock. We studied the distribution patterns of graminoids cover under climatic and grazing pressure gradients in different open vegetation types. Study area: Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. Methods: 1,525 vegetation plots representing five open vegetation types (mires, salt marshes, tall-forb communities, pseudosteppes and steppes) were extracted from the Vegetation of Middle Asia Database. We assessed the relative cover of graminoid species in each ve…
Vegetation Diversity of Screes and Taluses of The Pamir and South-Western Tian Shan in Middle Asia
AbstractThis paper presents the results of phytosociological research on scree vegetation of the Pamir and south-western Tian Shan. We collected 222 phytosociological relevés during field studies conducted in 2015–2019, applying the Braun-Blanquet approach. We identified 21 plant communities on mobile and stabilized screes of colluvial cones, aprons and fans, inhabiting mainly the montane and alpine belts in several ranges (e.g. Peter the First, Alichur, Shugnan, Shachdarian, Darvaz, Rushan, Vanch, Fergana, Kyrgyz and Terskey ranges). As a result we provide the first comprehensive hierarchical syntaxonomic synopsis of scree communities at montane and alpine elevations in the eastern Middle …
Classification of tall-forb vegetation in the Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan Mountains (Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, Middle Asia)
Aims: To complete the syntaxonomic scheme for tall-forb vegetation of the montane and alpine belts in the Pamir-Alai and western Tian Shan Mountains in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan with some remarks on its environmental predictors. Study area: Middle Asia: Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Methods: A total of 244 relevés were sampled in 2013–2019 using the seven-degree cover-abundance scale of the Braun-Blanquet approach. These were classified with a modified TWINSPAN algorithm with pseudospecies cut-levels 0%, 5% and 25%, and total inertia as a measure of cluster heterogeneity. Diagnostic species were identified using the phi coefficient as a fidelity measure. NMDS was used to explore the relationsh…
Crop density rather than ruderal plants explains the response of ancient segetal weeds
AbstractThe influence of ruderal species and crop density on ancient segetal weeds was examined. The experiment was carried out on experimental plots with three different sewing densities of winter triticale. Weeding of ruderal taxa was applied on half of the plots to explore the relation between segetal and ruderal weeds. Variation in species composition by environmental variables was analysed by running Redundancy Analysis (RDA) combined with performing forward selection and variation partitioning for “weeding” and “crop density” as explanatory variables. Additionally, the effect of crop density and weeding was tested separately for segetal and ruderal species along the seasons with the u…