Andrew J. Berkley
Quantum annealing with manufactured spins.
Many interesting but practically intractable problems can be reduced to that of finding the ground state of a system of interacting spins. It is believed that the ground state of some naturally occurring spin systems can be effectively attained through a process called quantum annealing. Johnson et al. use quantum annealing to find the ground state of an artificial Ising spin system comprised of an array of eight superconducting flux qubits with programmable spin–spin couplings. With an increased number of spins, the system may provide a practical physical means to implement quantum algorithms, possibly enabling more effective approaches towards solving certain classes of hard combinatorial…
Probing High Frequency Noise with Macroscopic Resonant Tunneling
We have developed a method for extracting the high-frequency noise spectral density of an rf-SQUID flux qubit from macroscopic resonant tunneling (MRT) rate measurements. The extracted noise spectral density is consistent with that of an ohmic environment up to frequencies $~$4 GHz. We have also derived an expression for the MRT line shape expected for a noise spectral density consisting of such a broadband ohmic component and an additional strongly peaked low-frequency component. This hybrid model provides an excellent fit to experimental data across a range of tunneling amplitudes and temperatures.