E. M. Kabuss
Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in muon-p SIDIS processes: Sivers asymmetries
The COMPASS Collaboration at CERN has measured the transverse spin azimuthal asymmetry of charged hadrons produced in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering using a 160 GeV positive muon beam and a transversely polarised NH_3 target. The Sivers asymmetry of the proton has been extracted in the Bjorken x range 0.003 0.03. The asymmetry is different from zero and positive also in the low x region, where sea-quarks dominate. The kinematic dependence of the asymmetry has also been investigated and results are given for various intervals of hadron and virtual photon fractional energy. In contrast to the case of the Collins asymmetry, the results on the Sivers asymmetry suggest a strong depende…
Transverse extension of partons in the proton probed in the sea-quark range by measuring the DVCS cross section
Physics letters / B B793, 188-194 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2019.04.038
The A dependence of the nuclear structure function ratios
Results are presented for six nuclei from Be to Pb on the structure function ratios F-2(A)/F-2(C)(X) and their A dependence in deep inelastic muon scattering at 200 GeV incident: muon energy. The data cover the kinematic range 0.01 < x < 0.8 with Q(2) ranging from 2 to 70 GeV2. The A dependence of nuclear structure function ratios is parametrised and compared to various models.