Proposal for the Thuoux section as a candidate for the GSSP of the base of the Oxfordian stage.
20 pages; International audience; The Thuoux section, located in South-Eastern Basin of France (coordinates: 44°30'55"E; 5°42'25"N), is a section that satisfies numerous demanding criteria as reference section (GSSP) for the base of the Oxfordian stage. Sedimentation was continuous in that the abundant ammonitic fauna yields no detectable hiatuses. The stratigraphic boundary is located between the Lamberti Zone and the Mariae Zone or more precisely between the Paucicostatum horizon (MARCHAND, 1979) and the Thuouxensis horizon (FORTWENGLER & MARCHAND, 1994a). In this section, there is a perfect mixing bet-ween Boreal ammonites (Cardioceratinae) whose species are used as stratigraphic markers…