Gennaro Rocco
Evaluation of Standard Precautions Compliance Instruments: A Systematic Review Using COSMIN Methodology
Background: Standard precautions (SPs) are first-line strategies with a dual goal: to protect health care workers from occupational contamination while providing care to infected patients and to prevent/reduce health care-associated infections (HAIs). This study aimed at (1) identifying the instruments currently available for measuring healthcare professionals’ compliance with standard precautions; (2) evaluating their measurement properties; and (3) providing sound evidence for instrument selection for use by researchers, teachers, staff trainers, and clinical tutors. Methods: We carried out a systematic review to examine the psychometric properties of standard precautions self-assessment …
Quality of life and disability of chronic non-cancer pain in adults patients attending pain clinics: A prospective, multicenter, observational study
What do we already know about this subject? • Chronic pain can have negative effects on quality of life. It is associated with a reduced ability to work, quality of life and disability, conditions that should be treated in specialized pain management clinics. In Italy very little information on clinical outcomes after chronic pain treatments is provided. What does our study add to the already existing information • This study is the first to provide clinical data about the impact of chronic pain in terms of quality of life and disability on patients who attended pain management clinics in Italy. • Chronic pain has a negative impact on quality of life and disability and causes presenteeism. …