Vincenzo Brancaccio
Increased risk for venous thrombosis in carriers of the prothrombin G→A20210 gene variant
A mutation in the prothrombin gene (G--A20210) has been associated with higher plasma prothrombin levels and an increased tendency for venous thrombosis.To determine whether the prothrombin A20210 allele is independently associated with the occurrence of venous thrombosis.Case-control study.Two thrombosis centers in southern Italy.281 consecutive patients with venous thrombosis confirmed by objective tests and 850 controls.Medical history was collected on standardized questionnaires. The presence of prothrombin G--A2020 and factor V Leiden mutations was determined by polymerase chain reaction. The presence of anticoagulant factors and prothrombin activity was determined by tests of function…
Inherited Thrombophilic Risk Factors and Venous Thromboembolism
Study objectives To investigate whether the FIIA20210 mutation is associated with isolated pulmonaryembolism (PE). Design Case-control study. Setting Five thrombosis centers in southern Italy. Patients Six hundred forty-seven consecutive referredpatients with objectively documented venous thrombosis and 1,329control subjects. Measurements and results Medicalhistories were collected. The G-to-A transition at nucleotide 1691within the factor V gene (FV Leiden) and the G-to-A transition atnucleotide position 20210 within the prothrombin gene locus (FIIA20210), levels of anticoagulant factors, and levelsof antiphospholipid antibodies were determined by standard techniques.Patients with deep ven…