David Arce
Differences in the Use and Opinions About New eHealth Technologies Among Patients With Psychosis: Structured Questionnaire
[EN] Background: Despite a growing interest in the use of technology in order to support the treatment of psychotic disorders, limited knowledge exists about the viability and acceptability of these eHealth interventions in relation to the clinical characteristics of patients. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the access and use of, as well as experiences and interest in, new technologies using a survey of patients diagnosed with early psychosis compared with a survey of patients diagnosed with chronic psychotic disorders. Methods: We designed a structured questionnaire. This questionnaire was divided into five parts: (1) clinical and demographic information, (2) access a…
Utilización de tecnologías móviles en pacientes con psicosis: una revisión sistemática.
[EN] There is a growing interest in mobile Health interventions (m-Health) in patients with psychosis. The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review in order to analysethe current state of research in this area. The search of articles was carried out following the PRISMA criteria, focusing on those studies that used mobile technologies in patients with psychosis during the period from 1990 to 2016. A total of 20 articles were selected from the 431 studies found. Three types of studies are distinguished: 1) Analysis of quality and usability, 2) Improving treatment adherence and reducing hospital admissions, and 3) Analysisof patient symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: m-Health interventions are…
BACKGROUND: In spite of promising results of mobile Health (mHealth) interventions for patients with psychosis, integration of these appliances into clinical practice remains a significant challenge (Bonet et al. 2017). Moreover, some studies have pointed out that percentages between 19–38% of patients have had negative experiences related to internet or cell phone usage, which may increase the risk of psychotic relapses (Bonet et al. 2018). In order to address these issues, we have developed an app called “ReMindCare” whose main objective is being simple, useful and automatically integrated into clinical practice. METHODS: ReMindCare is an app that collects the following information: a) Th…
ReMindCare App for Early Psychosis: Pragmatic Real World Intervention and Usability Study
[EN] Background: eHealth interventions are widely used in clinical trials and increasingly in care settings as well; however, their efficacy in real-world contexts remains unknown. ReMindCare is a smartphone app that has been systematically implemented in a first episode of psychosis program (FEPP) for patients with early psychosis since 2018. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of ReMindCare after 19 months of use in the clinic and varying use by individual patients. Methods: The integration of the ReMindCare app into the FEPP started in October 2018. Patients with early psychosis self-selected to the app (ReMindCare group) or treatment as usual (TAU group). T…
ReMindCare, an app for daily clinical practice in patients with first episode psychosis: A pragmatic real-world study protocol.
[EN] Aim Despite the potential benefits of e-health interventions for patients with psychosis, the integration of these applications into the clinical workflow and analysis of their long-term effects still face significant challenges. To address these issues, we developed the ReMindCare app. This app aims to improve the treatment quality for patients with psychosis. We chose to study the app in real world and pragmatic manner to ensure results will be generalizable. Methods This is a naturalistic empirical study of patients in a first episode of psychosis programme. The app was purpose-designed based on two previous studies, and it offers the following assessments: (a) three daily questions…
Utilización de tecnologías móviles en pacientes con psicosis: una revisión sistemática
Resumen Hay un creciente interes en las intervenciones mobile Health (m-Health) en pacientes con psicosis. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revision sistematica para analizar el estado actual de la investigacion en este ambito. La busqueda de publicaciones se llevo a cabo siguiendo los criterios PRISMA, centrandose en aquellos estudios que utilizan tecnologias moviles en pacientes con psicosis durante el periodo de 1990 a 2016. Se selecciono un total de 20 articulos de los 431 estudios que se encontraron. Se diferencian 3 tipos de intervenciones: 1) analisis de calidad y usabilidad; 2) mejora de la adherencia, sintomas y reduccion de hospitalizaciones, y 3) analisis de la sintoma…
Abstract Background Patients are clamming for more personalized and closer clinical attention (Bonet et al. 2018). To this end, we developed RemindCare app. The app conducts daily and weekly assessments and this information is used to prevent relapses, to improve the therapeutic alliance and it is automatically included at the electronic clinical record of the hospital. Moreover, patients can contact clinicians by an “Urgent Consultation Request” (UCR), which is answered by a phone call in a period of 24-48h. This app was introduced in clinical practice in October 2018. Since then, 81 patients met criteria for inclusion and 57/81 (71%) started using the app. The aim of this study is to anal…
Abstract Background Developments in electronic health (e-Health) interventions for psychotic patients have been possible since the growing access and use of internet and electronic devices in past 10 years (Bonet et al. 2017). However, before proceeding further on develop these interventions; limited knowledge exists about the impact of internet and new technologies on the mental health of these psychotic patients. The aim of this study is to assess the benefits and risks of new technologies usage in a survey of patients diagnosed with psychotic disorders. We analyzed the relationship between experiences and opinions about internet and demographic and clinical characteristics of the sample …