Anu Ojala
Let the best story win : evaluation of the most cited business history articles
Faced with intensifying competition for scientific impact measured in terms of citation counts, small disciplines are challenged to prove their importance as they lack the critical mass to accumulate large numbers of citations. This paper demonstrates that by emphasizing theoretical and methodological rigor even small disciplines such as business history can be competitive. Yet it still appears that readers of business history articles first and foremost seek interesting and useful subject matter, i.e. ‘best’ stories that can be used as background information and as tools in comparisons. However, articles advancing theory and methodology have increasingly gained interest and citations from …
Young Lads and Old Tars: Changing Age Structure of the Nordic Sailors, 1750s–1930s
AbstractThis article analyzes the changing age structure of Swedish and Finnish sailors for almost 200 years. We show that the proportion of the youngest men increased during the age of sail (i.e., the older technology). The average age increased significantly during the early twentieth century as steam (i.e., the newer technology) replaced sail in Nordic shipping. Thus, a technological revolution did not displace the older workers, but rather diminished the demand for the younger ones. This study shows, however, that technological changes were not the only drivers of changes in the age structure of Nordic sailors. Institutional and societal changes also played an important role, though the…
Business schools’ competitive strategies : whose goals, which aims?
Purpose This study reviews the literature on business-school (b-school) competition and competitiveness to extend our understanding of b-schools’ competitive strategies. Design/methodology/approach Both content and network analysis were used in the examination of the scholarly discourse. Findings The analyses distinguish three literature streams. The first concentrates on resources, capabilities and competencies; the second focuses on measures of competitiveness; and the third includes competitive dynamics and strategy discourse. The analysis shows that the conceptions of competitiveness are quite coherent concerning resources, capabilities and competencies. However, in the “measures of com…
The poor man’s goldmine? : Career paths in Swedish and Finnish merchant shipping, c. 1840–1950
This article analyses the career paths of Swedish and Finnish sailors from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. The article shows that, for the most of the men, the seaman’s occupation was just a passing phase before taking up a job on shore, but many of them also created a longlasting and advancing career by going to sea. There was not necessarily, however, a clear distinction between job opportunities at sea and those on shore in those days: men worked both at sea and on shore. We therefore argue that an individual’s advancement in a maritime career was a context-specific socio-economic phenomenon. In Scandinavia, work on board ships was dependent on features that characterized the divis…
Keski-Suomen yritysten historiatietoisuus
Tämä raportti on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston monitieteistä Menestystä menneisyydestä -tutkimushanketta, jossa selvitetään yritysten historiatietoisuutta. Raportin teko ei olisi ollut mahdollista ilman Keski-Suomen liiton ja Business Finlandin rahoitusta – kiitos molemmille tärkeästä tuesta tutkimushankkeelle. Kiitos myös Keski-Suomen Yrittäjille ja Keski-Suomen kauppakamarille, joiden verkostojen kautta kysely levisi keskisuomalaisyrityksille. Raportti on pohjana tutkimushankkeen seuraaville vaiheille, joissa sekä syvennytään tarkemmin yksittäisten yritysten historiatietoisuuteen että laajennetaan analyysiä valtakunnalliselle tasolle.
Trade-offs or Complements? : Balancing Diversified Stakeholder Expectations, Institutional Pressures, and Functional Demands in the Strategic Management of Business Schools
While scholars and practitioners have warned that business schools are losing their edge in creating and disseminating relevant knowledge in the crosscurrent of environmental demands, the management and organization of higher education institutions (HEIs) have been described as “herding cats” and “organized anarchy”. The teaching–research nexus forms the cornerstone of academic organization and has a quintessential role in strategic management. However, despite the growing body of literature on HEIs’ teaching–research nexus, organization, and environmental changes, few studies have examined the interplay of the three. Therefore, this study combines two contingency-theory views to examine th…
Keski-Suomen yritysten historiatietoisuus: Kyselyn tulokset
Tämä raportti on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston monitieteistä Menestystä menneisyydestä -tutkimushanketta, jossa selvitetään yritysten historiatietoisuutta. Raportin teko ei olisi ollut mahdollista ilman Keski-Suomen liiton ja Business Finlandin rahoitusta – kiitos molemmille tärkeästä tuesta tutkimushankkeelle. Kiitos myös Keski-Suomen Yrittäjille ja Keski-Suomen kauppakamarille, joiden verkostojen kautta kysely levisi keskisuomalaisyrityksille. Raportti on pohjana tutkimushankkeen seuraaville vaiheille, joissa sekä syvennytään tarkemmin yksittäisten yritysten historiatietoisuuteen että laajennetaan analyysiä valtakunnalliselle tasolle.