Stefan Meinel


Initial nucleon structure results with chiral quarks at the physical point

We report initial nucleon structure results computed on lattices with 2+1 dynamical M\"obius domain wall fermions at the physical point generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations. At this stage, we evaluate only connected quark contributions. In particular, we discuss the nucleon vector and axial-vector form factors, nucleon axial charge and the isovector quark momentum fraction. From currently available statistics, we estimate the stochastic accuracy of the determination of $g_A$ and $_{u-d}$ to be around 10%, and we expect to reduce that to 5% within the next year. To reduce the computational cost of our calculations, we extensively use acceleration techniques such as low-eigenmode def…

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Nucleon form factors with light Wilson quarks

Jeremy Green∗,a† Michael Engelhardt,b Stefan Krieg,cd Stefan Meinel,a John Negele,a Andrew Pochinskya and Sergey Syritsyne aCenter for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA bDepartment of Physics, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003, USA cBergische Universitat Wuppertal, D-42119 Wuppertal, Germany dIAS, Julich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Julich, D-52425 Julich, Germany eLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA E-mail: green@kph.uni-mainz.de, engel@nmsu.edu, s.krieg@fz-juelich.de, smeinel@mit.edu, negele@mit.edu, avp@mit.edu,

research product

I=1/2 S -wave and P -wave Kπ scattering and the κ and K* resonances from lattice QCD

We present a lattice-QCD determination of the elastic isospin-$1/2$ $S$-wave and $P$-wave $K\ensuremath{\pi}$ scattering amplitudes as a function of the center-of-mass energy using L\"uscher's method. We perform global fits of $K$-matrix parametrizations to the finite-volume energy spectra for all irreducible representations with total momenta up to $\sqrt{3}\frac{2\ensuremath{\pi}}{L}$; this includes irreducible representations (irreps) that mix the $S$- and $P$-waves. Several different parametrizations for the energy dependence of the $K$-matrix are considered. We also determine the positions of the nearest poles in the scattering amplitudes, which correspond to the broad $\ensuremath{\ka…

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ππ and Kπ scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD

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Computing the nucleon Dirac radius directly at $Q^2=0$

We describe a lattice approach for directly computing momentum derivatives of nucleon matrix elements using the Rome method, which we apply to obtain the isovector magnetic moment and Dirac radius. We present preliminary results calculated at the physical pion mass using a 2HEX-smeared Wilson-clover action. For removing the effects of excited-state contamination, the calculations were done at three source-sink separations and the summation method was used.

research product

P -wave nucleon-pion scattering amplitude in the Δ(1232) channel from lattice QCD

We determine the $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}(1232)$ resonance parameters using lattice QCD and the L\"uscher method. The resonance occurs in elastic pion-nucleon scattering with ${J}^{P}=3/{2}^{+}$ in the isospin $I=3/2$, $P$-wave channel. Our calculation is performed with ${N}_{f}=2+1$ flavors of clover fermions on a lattice with $L\ensuremath{\approx}2.8\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{fm}$. The pion and nucleon masses are ${m}_{\ensuremath{\pi}}=255.4(1.6)\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}$ and ${m}_{N}=1073(5)\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}$, respectively, and the strong decay channel $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Delta}}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\pi}N$ is found to be above the threshold. To thorough…

research product

High-precision calculation of the strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors

We report a direct lattice QCD calculation of the strange nucleon electromagnetic form factors $G_E^s$ and $G_M^s$ in the kinematic range $0 \leq Q^2 \lesssim 1.2\: {\rm GeV}^2$. For the first time, both $G_E^s$ and $G_M^s$ are shown to be nonzero with high significance. This work uses closer-to-physical lattice parameters than previous calculations, and achieves an unprecedented statistical precision by implementing a recently proposed variance reduction technique called hierarchical probing. We perform model-independent fits of the form factor shapes using the $z$-expansion and determine the strange electric and magnetic radii and magnetic moment. We compare our results to parity-violatin…

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