J. Emmanuel Johnson
RotNet: Fast and Scalable Estimation of Stellar Rotation Periods Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Magnetic activity in stars manifests as dark spots on their surfaces that modulate the brightness observed by telescopes. These light curves contain important information on stellar rotation. However, the accurate estimation of rotation periods is computationally expensive due to scarce ground truth information, noisy data, and large parameter spaces that lead to degenerate solutions. We harness the power of deep learning and successfully apply Convolutional Neural Networks to regress stellar rotation periods from Kepler light curves. Geometry-preserving time-series to image transformations of the light curves serve as inputs to a ResNet-18 based architecture which is trained through transf…
Gaussianizing the Earth: Multidimensional Information Measures for Earth Data Analysis
Information theory is an excellent framework for analyzing Earth system data because it allows us to characterize uncertainty and redundancy, and is universally interpretable. However, accurately estimating information content is challenging because spatio-temporal data is high-dimensional, heterogeneous and has non-linear characteristics. In this paper, we apply multivariate Gaussianization for probability density estimation which is robust to dimensionality, comes with statistical guarantees, and is easy to apply. In addition, this methodology allows us to estimate information-theoretic measures to characterize multivariate densities: information, entropy, total correlation, and mutual in…
Information Theory in Density Destructors
Density destructors are differentiable and invertible transforms that map multivariate PDFs of arbitrary structure (low entropy) into non-structured PDFs (maximum entropy). Multivariate Gaussianization and multivariate equalization are specific examples of this family, which break down the complexity of the original PDF through a set of elementary transforms that progressively remove the structure of the data. We demonstrate how this property of density destructive flows is connected to classical information theory, and how density destructors can be used to get more accurate estimates of information theoretic quantities. Experiments with total correlation and mutual information inmultivari…
Kernel methods and their derivatives: Concept and perspectives for the earth system sciences.
Kernel methods are powerful machine learning techniques which implement generic non-linear functions to solve complex tasks in a simple way. They Have a solid mathematical background and exhibit excellent performance in practice. However, kernel machines are still considered black-box models as the feature mapping is not directly accessible and difficult to interpret.The aim of this work is to show that it is indeed possible to interpret the functions learned by various kernel methods is intuitive despite their complexity. Specifically, we show that derivatives of these functions have a simple mathematical formulation, are easy to compute, and can be applied to many different problems. We n…
Information Theory Measures via Multidimensional Gaussianization
Information theory is an outstanding framework to measure uncertainty, dependence and relevance in data and systems. It has several desirable properties for real world applications: it naturally deals with multivariate data, it can handle heterogeneous data types, and the measures can be interpreted in physical units. However, it has not been adopted by a wider audience because obtaining information from multidimensional data is a challenging problem due to the curse of dimensionality. Here we propose an indirect way of computing information based on a multivariate Gaussianization transform. Our proposal mitigates the difficulty of multivariate density estimation by reducing it to a composi…