F. Martínez
Optimizing the clinical utility of PCA3 to diagnose prostate cancer in initial prostate biopsy.
Background: PCA3 has been included in a nomogram outperforming previous clinical models for the prediction of any prostate cancer (PCa) and high grade PCa (HGPCa) at the initial prostate biopsy (IBx). Our objective is to validate such IBx-specific PCA3-based nomogram. We also aim to optimize the use of this nomogram in clinical practice through the definition of risk groups. Methods: Independent external validation. Clinical and biopsy data from a contemporary cohort of 401 men with the same inclusion criteria to those used to build up the reference’s nomogram in IBx. The predictive value of the nomogram was assessed by means of calibration curves and discrimination ability through the area…
An evaluation of the impact of technical bias on the concordance rate between primary and recurrent tumors in breast cancer.
Abstract Purpose Whether or not to biopsy the metastasis in recurrent breast cancer has become mired in controversy. Several studies have shown an important discordance of the immunohistochemical (IHC) determinations for ER, PR and HER2 between primary (PT) and recurrent tumors (RT). Yet it remains unknown within this what impact technical issues have. The aim of our study was to assess whether technical variability might have an impact on the concordance between PT and RT. Methods IHC determinations in paired biopsies from PT and RT were compared under routine vs study conditions. In the former, pathological analysis reproduced the conditions used in the routine of a University Pathology D…
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study
Abstract Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18–49, 50–69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results NNVs were more favourable in su…
PCA3 como biomarcador de segunda línea en un programa de screening oportunista prospectivo, aleatorizado y controlado
Resumen Objetivos Determinar el comportamiento del PCA3 como un marcador de segunda linea en un programa de cribado oportunista de cancer de prostata (CaP) y su comparacion con la calculadora de riesgo 3 del cribado aleatorizado europeo en cancer de prostata (ERSPC RC-3). Material y metodos Un total de 5.199 hombres de 40-75 anos se hicieron la prueba del antigeno prostatico especifico (PSA) y un tacto rectal (TR). Aquellos con TR normal y PSA ≥ 3 ng/ml se realizaron un PCA3. Todos los hombres con PCA3 ≥ 35 se hicieron biopsia inicial (BxI) —12 cilindros—. Aquellos con PCA3 Resultados PCA3 se testo en 838 hombres (16,1%). En los grupos PCA3(+) y PCA3(–), las tasas de deteccion global de CaP…
Identification of miR-187 and miR-182 as biomarkers of early diagnosis and prognosis in patients with prostate cancer treated with radical prostatectomy.
Purpose: miRNAs are noncoding RNAs that negatively regulate target mRNA gene expression. Aberrant miRNA expression is associated with prostate cancer pathogenesis. We identified miRNAs as potential biomarkers for prostate cancer diagnosis and prognosis. Materials and Methods: Total RNA was obtained from 10 normal prostate and 50 prostate cancer samples, and analyzed using the GeneChip (R) miRNA 2.0 Array. At a median followup of 92 months (range 2 to 189) an independent cohort of 273 paraffin embedded prostate cancer samples was used for validation by quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Another 92 urine samples from patients undergoing prostate biopsy were evaluate…
Optimización de un programa de cribado oportunista de cáncer de próstata; ensayo aleatorizado prospectivo del papel del PSA y del PCA3 en uso secuencial
Resumen Objetivos Reducir el numero de biopsias (Bx) innecesarias en un programa de cribado oportunista en cancer de prostata (CaP). Material y metodos Estudio prospectivo y aleatorizado evaluando el PCA3 como biomarcador de segunda linea. De septiembre de 2010 a septiembre de 2012 2.366 hombres con edad en rango 40-74 anos, y mas de 10 anos de expectativa de vida, fueron estudiados mediante PSA y tacto rectal (TR), excluyendo los biopsiados previamente o con infeccion urinaria reciente. Ante un TR sospechoso y/o PSA > 3 ng/ml se les realizo un PCA3. A todos aquellos con PCA3 ≥ 35 se les realizo una Bx inicial (IBx) —12 cilindros—. Con PCA3 0,5 ng/ml a 6 meses o PSAv > 0,75 ng/ml/ano. Res…
Optimizing prostate cancer screening; prospective randomized controlled study of the role of PSA and PCA3 testing in a sequential manner in an opportunistic screening program
Abstract Objectives To reduce unnecessary biopsies (Bx) in an opportunistic screening programme of prostate cancer. Material and methods We performed a prospective evaluation of PCA3 as a second-line biomarker in an opportunistic screening for prostate cancer (PCa). From September 2010 until September 2012, 2,366 men, aged 40–74 years and with >10 years life expectancy, were initially screened with PSA/digital rectal examination (DRE). Men with previous Bx or with recent urine infections were excluded. Men with abnormal DRE and/or PSA > 3 ng/ml were submitted for PCA3. All men with PCA3 ≥ 35 underwent an initial biopsy (IBx) —12cores—. Men with PCA3 .5 ng/ml at 4-6months or PSAv > .75 ng/…
Informed consent in dentistry and medicine in Spain: Practical considerations and legality.
The healthcare practice of dentistry, as well as medicine, is framed within a legal environment. Patients have the right to know all the information related to any action performed on them and dental or medical doctors are obliged to obtain their patient?s prior written informed consent (IC) before undertaking any healthcare procedures. Here we reviewed the legality and jurisprudence in Spain regarding IC. We also used INFLESZ text readability analysis software to analyse a sample of official Spanish informed consent documents (ICDs) from different surgical and interventional procedures related to dentistry and oral cavity interventions. It is a mistake to confound IC with ICDs. This error …
PCA3 as a second-line biomarker in a prospective controlled randomized opportunistic prostate cancer screening programme
Objectives: PCA3 performance as a single second line biomarker is compared to the European Randomised Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer risk calculator model 3 (ERSPC RC-3) in an opportunistic screening in prostate cancer (PCa). Material and methods: 5,199 men, aged 40-75y, underwent prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening and digital rectal examination (DRE). Men with a normal DRE and PSA >= 3 ng/ml had a PCA3 test done. All men with PCA3 >= 35 underwent an initial biopsy (IBx) 12 cores. Men with PCA3 = 3 ng/ml and DRE is normal, IBx could be avoided in 12.5% less than if ERSPC RC-3 is used and would reduce the false negative cases by 36.2%. At a FU of 21.7 months, this dual protoco…
Different mechanism of relaxation induced by aporphine alkaloids in rat uterus.
Abstract We have examined the uterine relaxant action of three aporphine molecules (S-glaucine, S-boldine and R-apomorphine) in two experimental conditions, with and without calcium in the bathing solution, and compared these effects with those obtained with the calcium antagonists verapamil and diltiazem. The present study shows that the alkaloids relax the uterine muscle but with different mechanisms of action. In Ca2+-containing solution all three alkaloids relaxed the uterus previously contracted by KCl or acetylcholine, but in Ca2+-free medium only R-apomorphine was able to relax oxytocin-induced contraction. The calcium antagonists, verapamil and diltiazem, relaxed KCl- or acetylcholi…