Claudia Pipitone

Elusive active faults in a low strain rate region (Sicily, Italy): Hints from a multidisciplinary land-to-sea approach

Low Strain Rate regions (LSRrs), i.e., areas undergoing tectonic deformation at rates of 1 mm/yr or less, often host important cities and highly vulnerable anthropogenic assets, and due to their subdued topography and relatively infrequent seismicity, are often considered low seismic hazard areas. Despite this, infrequent but high-magnitude earthquakes in such regions suggest that identifying active structures in the LSRr is one of the primary challenges for both the scientific community and modern societies. In such regions, one of the main issues in identifying active faults is the lack of valuable outcrop data due to erosional/sedimentation rates overwhelming the fault deformation, causi…

research product

Monitoring Water Surface and Level of a Reservoir Using Different Remote Sensing Approaches and Comparison with Dam Displacements Evaluated via GNSS

Remote sensing allowed monitoring the reservoir water level by estimating its surface extension. Surface extension has been estimated using different approaches, employing both optical (Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-Off, Landsat 8 OLI-TIRS and ASTER images) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images (Cosmo SkyMed and TerraSAR-X). Images were characterized by different acquisition modes, geometric and spectral resolutions, allowing the evaluation of alternative and/or complementary techniques. For each kind of image, two techniques have been tested: The first based on an unsupervised classification and suitable to automate the process, the second based on visual matching with contour lines…

research product

The effects of cors network geometry and differential nrtk corrections on gnss solutions

The widespread availability of Continuosly Operating Reference Station (CORS) all over the world, allows to improve more scientific and technical studies on the use of satellite positioning techniques. The aim of this paper is to understand the effects of a GNSS CORS network geometry and differential corrections on the solutions. The analysis is carried out using ten different network configurations, with different inter-distances between the stations within GNSMART Geo++ software. The coordinates of one control point placed on the top of the Department of Engineering (University of Palermo, Italy) have been used to perform several static positioning mode test within fourthy hours. Differen…

research product

Hydraulic Models and Finite Elements for Monitoring of an Earth Dam, by Using GNSS Techniques

This work gives a comparison between different mathematicalmodels for the evaluation of the movements of an earthendam situated between Bivona and Alessandria della Rocca, inthe province of Agrigento (AG), Italy. The models selected areof a hydraulic nature, already tested on concrete dams, andfinite elements models which, on the contrary, exploit geotechnicalparameters. The results obtained from the comparisonof the displacement planimetric components and the relativetime series of data over a period of two years appear to befully satisfactory, in fact using both models of a hydraulic andgeotechnical nature, we reach residues of just mm. To supportthis work, a monitoring procedure using GN…

research product

An integrated geodetic and InSAR technique for the monitoring and detection of active faulting in southwestern Sicily

We present the results of the analysis of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and InSAR (Interferometric synthetic-aperture radar) data collected in the frame of a project financed by the “Struttura Terremoti” of INGV (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia). Combined investigations pointed out for potential seismogenic sources for destructive earthquakes recorded in southwestern Sicily, including the 1968 Belice earthquake sequence and that supposed to have destroyed the Greek city of Selinunte which, according to geoarcheological data experienced two earthquakes in historical times. Our approach is aimed to evaluate the current deformation rate in SW Sicily and to improve th…

research product


Abstract. This work illustrates the use of geomatics techniques for the documentation of Teatro Massimo in Palermo (Italy), one of the most important and big in Italy and in Europe. The theatre is characterized by a very complex structure and is realized also using innovative solution, studied at the time of the project specifically for this building; for example, an original system was realized for a natural air-conditioning system of the auditorium. Due to his complexity, the documentation of the Teatro Massimo requires studying specific survey solutions for the different parts of the building. In this paper, some studies on two of the most representative parts of the building were descri…

research product

NRTK, PPP or Static, That Is the Question. Testing Different Positioning Solutions for GNSS Survey

Worldwide, the determination of the coordinates from a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) survey (in Network Real Time Kinematic, Precise Point Positioning, or static mode) has been analysed in several scientific and technical applications. Many of those have been carried out to compare Precise Point Positioning (PPP), Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK), and static modes’ solutions, usually, using the latter as the true or the most plausible solution. This approach is not always possible as the static mode solution depends on several parameters (baseline length, acquisition time, ionospheric, and tropospheric models, etc.) that must be considered to evaluate the accuracy of the metho…

research product

Detection of a reservoir water level using shape similarity metrics

The matching between reservoirs’ water edge and digital elevation model’s (DEM) contour lines allowed determining the water level at the acquisition date of satellite images. A preliminary study was conducted on the Castello dam (Magazzolo Lake), between Alessandria della Rocca and Bivona (Agrigento, south-Italy). The accuracy assessment of the technique was than evaluated from the comparison between classified and reference objects using similarity metrics about the shape, theme, edge and position, through the plugin STEP of open source software GIS. Moreover, an independent GIS technique was implemented to evaluate the water level, based on a distances’ array between existing contour line…

research product

Use of CORS Time Series for Geodynamics Applications in Western Sicily (Italy)

In the last few decades, the use of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) networks allowed improving the accuracy of real-time positioning and post-processing positioning. In this way, several applications have been performed including remote sensing, agriculture, cultural heritage and geodynamics studies. The latter have been developed analysing CORS time-series and consistent data over long periods were needed to validate the results. In Italy, specifically in Sicily, two CORS networks were be used to monitor the geodynamics motions: the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) GNSS CORS network in the eastern part and the University of Palermo (UNIPA) GNSS COR…

research product

Data service platform for sentinel-2 surface reflectance and value-added products: System use and examples

This technical note presents the first Sentinel-2 data service platform for obtaining atmospherically-corrected images and generating the corresponding value-added products for any land surface on Earth (http://s2.boku.eodc.eu/). Using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sen2Cor algorithm, the platform processes ESA’s Level-1C top-of-atmosphere reflectance to atmospherically-corrected bottom-of-atmosphere (BoA) reflectance (Level-2A). The processing runs on-demand, with a global coverage, on the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC), which is a public-private collaborative IT infrastructure in Vienna (Austria) for archiving, processing, and distributing Earth observation (EO) data (http://www.…

research product


Nowadays, technical and scientific researches are focused on the use of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) networks due to their global impact on the satellite positioning. This study aims to describe the main steps developed by the University of Palermo for the realization of the GNSS CORS network distributed in the western part of Sicily (Italy). Specifically, it focuses on data availability, preliminary studies and analyses involving the GNSS CORS network, the geodetic framework used, the coordinates and displacements time series retrieved over time and the statistical analysis with the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF). The an…

research product

Toward a Comprehensive Dam Monitoring: On-Site and Remote-Retrieved Forcing Factors and Resulting Displacements (GNSS and PS–InSAR)

Many factors can influence the displacements of a dam, including water level variability and environmental temperatures, in addition to the dam composition. In this work, optical-based classification, thermal diachronic analysis, and a quasi-PS (Persistent Scatter) Interferometric SAR technique have been applied to determine both forcing factors and resulting displacements of the crest of the Castello dam (South Italy) over a one-year time period. The dataset includes Sentinel-1A images acquired in Interferometric Wide swath mode using the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans SAR (TOPSAR); Landsat 8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) thermal images, and Global Navigation Satellite System …

research product

Reservoir monitoring using satellite SAR and GNSS: a case study in southern Italy

Recently, it has been demonstrated that it is possible to relate water levels of a reservoir with its dam displacements. Water levels were determined via remote sensing, while dam displacements were measured via Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Results have shown that displacements and water levels are correlated.Water levels at the Magazzolo reservoir in southern Italy were firstly retrieved using two remote sensing approaches: by visual matching between the reservoir shoreline and contour lines, and by evaluating the surface extent via unsupervised classification to estimate the water levels with an area/depth relation. Dam displacements were measured using GPS receivers on the …

research product


Abstract. Nowadays, 3D documentation of architectural assets is becoming a demanding task for the valorisation of Cultural Heritage especially after a restoration project. The 3D documentation can be used for detailed analysis of specific elements, for monitoring the state of conservation and for valorisation actions. The paper describes the results of the 3D close-range photogrammetry survey of the main portal of the Cathedral of Monreale (Palermo, Italy). The Cathedral is one the most important monumental complexes in Sicily that, for its high historical and artistic importance has been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List since 2015. The main portal of the Cathedral has been recentl…

research product

Performance assessment of PPP surveys with open source software using the GNSS GPS-GLONASS-Galileo constellations

In this work, the performance of the multi-GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique, in static mode, is analyzed. Specifically, GPS (Global Positioning System), GLONASS, and Galileo systems are considered, and quantifying the Galileo contribution is one of the main objectives. The open source software RTKLib is adopted to process the data, with precise satellite orbits and clocks from CNES (Centre National d&rsquo

research product

Evaluation of different InSAR multi-baseline construction methods over a dam in southern Italy

Monitoring dam displacements using different techniques allows an evaluation of their structural behaviour over time. In this study, dam displacements (for the Castello dam, Agrigento, Italy) have been investigated using different Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) techniques exploiting a freely available dataset from the EU Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR built by the European Space Agency (ESA). The dataset includes Sentinel 1A (S1A) images acquired in dual-polarization and Interferometric Wide (IW) swath using the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans SAR (TOPSAR) mode. Three main Multi-Baseline Construction methods based on the identification of Persistent Scatterers (PS) h…

research product

Dam displacements monitoring by using GNSS and remote sensing techniques

Il presente lavoro mira a valutare le potenzialità delle tecniche satellitari per il monitoraggio delle dighe. In particolare, l’attenzione è stata rivolta alle dighe di terra, poichè queste rappresentano la tipologia costruttiva più diffusa ed i modelli esistenti in letteratura sono in grado di descriverne gli spostamenti solo nell’ipotesi di conoscere accuratamente tutti parametri geotecnici e strutturali che caratterizzano la composizione della diga stessa. Negli ultimi anni, è stato ampiamente dimostrato che le tecniche satellitari da remoto sono in grado di individuare con elevata accuratezza, il comportamento di grandi strutture (incluse le dighe), valutandone spostamenti e deformazio…

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