Alejandro García-vázquez


BASCULE syndrome associated with presyncopal episodes and first‐degree atrioventricular block

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An expanding annular plaque on the leg

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Successful outcome of psoriasis in a laryngeal cancer patient treated with ixekizumab, a possible beneficial treatment for both pathologies.

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Morpheaform Plaques and an Infiltrated Scar: Answer.

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Cutaneous manifestations in COVID‐19: a new contribution

Abstract We have read with great interest Dr Recalcati’s review about skin manifestations in COVID‐19 as it is the first report on this subject1. In a recent review on clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China, rash was observed in 0,2% of cases2. However, from the trained eyes of a dermatologist, this percentage may be higher.

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Epidermólisis ampollosa hereditaria: serie de casos

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Pseudoxanthoma elasticum‐like syndrome with coagulation deficiency associated with carotid artery hypoplasia and a novel gamma‐glutamyl carboxylase gene mutation

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Morpheaform Plaques and an Infiltrated Scar: Challenge

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Chronic Fibrosing Vasculitis: A Histologic Finding in a Case of Long-Established Erythema Elevatum Diutinum

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Painful cutaneous lesions on the hand palm after Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and coronary angiography.

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Type V aplasia cutis congenita in a preterm newborn successfully resolved

Aplasia cutis congenita (ACC) associated with fetus papyraceus is a rare subtype of aplasia cutis categorized as type V in Frieden's classification. It is characterized by stellate lesions in a symmetrical distribution over the trunk and proximal extremities. Conservative treatment is recommended, but there is not a well-defined therapeutic protocol. We report the case of a type V ACC in a preterm male newborn with lesions on the trunk and scalp successfully treated with topical 1% silver sulfadiazine and petrolatum gauze with an excellent evolution. This case associates a severe affectation of the scalp which represents a rare variant of type V ACC.

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Eritema en diana inducido por trametinib

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