A. Cerdà
Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database
27 Pags.- 11 Tabls.- 8 Figs. © Author(s) 2018. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
The interdisciplinary nature of SOIL
The holistic study of soils requires an interdisciplinary approach involving biologists, chemists, geologists, and physicists, amongst others, something that has been true from the earliest days of the field. In more recent years this list has grown to include anthropologists, economists, engineers, medical professionals, military professionals, sociologists, and even artists. This approach has been strengthened and reinforced as current research continues to use experts trained in both soil science and related fields and by the wide array of issues impacting the world that require an in-depth understanding of soils. Of fundamental importance amongst these issues are biodiversity, biofuels/…
Soil properties determine the elevational patterns of base cations and micronutrients in the plant-soil system up to the upper limits of trees and shrubs
Abstract. To understand whether base cations and micronutrients in the plant–soil system change with elevation, we investigated the patterns of base cations and micronutrients in both soils and plant tissues along three elevational gradients in three climate zones in China. Base cations (Ca, Mg, and K) and micronutrients (Fe, Mn, and Zn) were determined in soils, trees, and shrubs growing at lower and middle elevations as well as at their upper limits on Balang (subtropical, SW China), Qilian (dry temperate, NW China), and Changbai (wet temperate, NE China) mountains. No consistent elevational patterns were found for base cation and micronutrient concentrations in both soils and plant tissu…
Soil aggregates, organic matter turnover and carbon balance in a Mediterranean eroded vineyard
The carbon cycle is being affected by the human impacts (Novara et al., 2011; Yan-Gui et al., 2013), and one of those is the intensification in the soil erosion in agriculture land (Cerdà et al., 2009; García Orenes et al., 2009). Vineyards also are affected by the human activities (Fernández Calviño, 2012). Vineyards in Sicily are cultivated on 110.000 ha, 10% of which on >10% slope. Deficiencies of soil organic matter are typical of the semi arid Mediterranean environment especially where traditional intensive cropping practices are adopted (Novara et al., 2012; 2013). These practices in vineyards could lead soil to intensive erosion processes (Novara et al., 2011). The fate of SOC under …
El proceso de filtración en los badlands del Este de la Península Ibérica : avances y retos
Los badlands son laboratorios geomorfológicos en miniatura que han permitido conocer más y mejor los procesos y las formas terrestres. La infiltración es un proceso clave en el ciclo hidrológico ya que gestiona el volumen de las aguas superficiales y por lo tanto los procesos erosivos. Estudiar el proceso de infiltración en los badlands permite conocer mejor ambos –el proceso de infiltración y los badlands– y los resultados obtenidos se pueden extrapolar a otros espacios en los que las altas pérdidas de suelo y agua se deben reducir. En este artículo se presenta una revisión del estado de la cuestión respecto a la infiltración en los badlands a partir de experimentos desarrollados en las do…