A Framework for Activity Monitoring and Fall Detection Based on the Characteristics of Indoor Channels
Author´s accepted manuscript © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper concerns the Doppler power spectrum of three-dimensional non-stationary indoor fixed-to- fixed channels with moving people. In this paper, we model each moving person as a moving scatterer with time-variant (TV) speed, TV vertical angles of motion, and TV horizontal angles o…
A Trajectory-Driven 3D Channel Model for Human Activity Recognition
This paper concerns the design, analysis, and simulation of a 3D non-stationary channel model fed with inertial measurement unit (IMU) data. The work in this paper provides a framework for simulating the micro-Doppler signatures of indoor channels for human activity recognition by using radiofrequency-based sensing technologies. The major human body segments, such as wrists, ankles, torso, and head, are modelled as a cluster of moving point scatterers. We provide expressions for the time variant (TV) speed and TV angles of motion based on 3D trajectories of the moving person. Moreover, we present mathematical expressions for the TV Doppler shifts and TV path gains associated with each movin…
Fast 3D Ray Tracing for Indoor Coverage Solutions
Optimal wireless indoor network planning requires huge number of iterations and evaluations of indoor coverage for each antenna location until an optimal solution is reached. Consequently, accurate and scalable calculation of power strength for indoor scenarios becomes necessary. The contribution in this paper is to reduce the complexity of 3D ray tracing for deterministic indoor power prediction. In order to achieve that while preserving the accuracy, image theory with feasible reflection volume as preprocessing approach is introduced. This proposed algorithm stores the image, its feasible reflection volume and valid area of receiving points. Significant complexity reduction is achieved by…
Doppler Power Characteristics Obtained from Calibrated Channel State Information for Human Activity Recognition
This paper demonstrates the time-variant (TV) Doppler power characteristics of human activities using measured channel state information (CSI). We model the measured CSI as a complex channel transfer function corresponding to a 3D non-stationary multipath fading channel consisting of a fixed transmitter, a fixed receiver, fixed scatterers representing fixed objects, and a cluster of moving scatterers representing a moving person performing some human activities. We demonstrate the relationship between the TV Doppler frequency caused by each moving scatterer and the rate of change of its corresponding TV propagation delay. Furthermore, we express the TV mean Doppler shift in terms of the pat…
A non-stationary relay-based 3D MIMO channel model with time-variant path gains for human activity recognition in indoor environments
AbstractExtensive research showed that the physiological response of human tissue to exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields is the induction of an electric current in the body segments. As a result, each segment of the human body behaves as a relay, which retransmits the radio-frequency (RF) signal. To investigate the impact of this phenomenon on the Doppler characteristics of the received RF signal, we introduce a new three-dimensional (3D) non-stationary channel model to describe the propagation phenomenon taking place in an indoor environment. Here, the indoor space is equipped with a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. A single person is moving in the indoor space an…
Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of the Micro-Doppler Effect in Wideband Indoor Channels with Confirmation Through Pendulum Experiments
This paper is about designing a 3D no n-stationary wideband indoor channel model for radio-frequency sensing. The proposed channel model allows for simulating the time-variant (TV) characteristics of the received signal of indoor channel in the presence of a moving object. The moving object is modelled by a point scatterer which travels along a trajectory. The trajectory is described by the object&rsquo
WiWeHAR: Multimodal Human Activity Recognition Using Wi-Fi and Wearable Sensing Modalities
Robust and accurate human activity recognition (HAR) systems are essential to many human-centric services within active assisted living and healthcare facilities. Traditional HAR systems mostly leverage a single sensing modality (e.g., either wearable, vision, or radio frequency sensing) combined with machine learning techniques to recognize human activities. Such unimodal HAR systems do not cope well with real-time changes in the environment. To overcome this limitation, new HAR systems that incorporate multiple sensing modalities are needed. Multiple diverse sensors can provide more accurate and complete information resulting in better recognition of the performed activities. This article…
The Influence of Human Walking Activities on the Doppler Characteristics of Non-stationary Indoor Channel Models
This paper analyzes the time-variant (TV) Doppler power spectral density of a 3D non-stationary fixed-to-fixed indoor channel simulator after feeding it with realistic trajectories of a walking person. The trajectories of the walking person are obtained by simulating a full body musculoskeletal model in OpenSim. We provide expressions of the TV Doppler frequencies caused by these trajectories. Then, we present the complex channel gain consisting of fixed scatterers and a cluster of moving scatterers. After that, we use the concept of the spectrogram to analyze the TV Doppler power spectral density of the complex channel gain. Finally, we present expressions of the TV mean Doppler shift and …
On the Influence of Walking People on the Doppler Spectral Characteristics of Indoor Channels
Author´s accepted manuscript © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. When modelling mobile radio channels with moving scatterers, it is generally assumed that the angles of departure (AODs), angles of arrival (AOAs), and the speed of the scatterers are time-invariant. However, this assumption is violated as the AODs and AOAs vary with the positions of t…
Synthetic Micro-Doppler Signatures of Non-Stationary Channels for the Design of Human Activity Recognition Systems
The main aim of this dissertation is to generate synthetic micro-Doppler signatures and TV-MDSs to train the HACs. This is achieved by developing non-stationary fixed-tofixed (F2F) indoor channel models. Such models provide an in-depth understanding of the channel parameters that influence the micro-Doppler signatures and TV-MDSs. Hence, the proposed non-stationary channel models help to generate the micro-Doppler signatures and the TV-MDSs, which fit those of the collected measurement data. First, we start with a simple two-dimensional (2D) non-stationary F2F channel model with fixed and moving scatterers. Such a model assumes that the moving scatterers are moving in 2D geometry with simpl…
A 3D Non-Stationary Cluster Channel Model for Human Activity Recognition
Author's accepted manuscript. © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper proposes a three-dimensional (3D) non- stationary fixed-to-fixed indoor channel simulator model for human activity recognition. The channel model enables the formulation of temporal variations of the received signal caused by a moving human. The moving human is modelled by …