Alex G. Dias
Dynamical symmetry breaking and fermion mass hierarchy in the scale-invariant 3-3-1 model
We propose an extension of the Standard Model (SM) based on the $SU(3)_C\otimes SU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_X$ (3-3-1) gauge symmetry and scale invariance. Maintaining the main features of the so-called 3-3-1 models, such as the cancellation of gauge anomalies related to the number of chiral fermion generations, this model exhibits a very compact scalar sector. Only two scalar triplets and one singlet are necessary and sufficient to break the symmetries dynamically via the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism. With the introduction of an Abelian discrete symmetry and assuming a natural hierarchy among the vacuum expectation values of the neutral scalar fields, we show that all particles in the model can get …
Reloading the Axion in a 3-3-1 setup
We generalize the idea of the axion to an extended electroweak gauge symmetry setup. We propose a minimal axion extension of the Singer-Valle-Schechter (SVS) theory, in which the standard model fits in $\mathrm{SU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_X}$, the number of families results from anomaly cancellation, and the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) solution to the strong-CP problem is implemented. Neutrino masses arise from a type-I Dirac seesaw mechanism, suppressed by the ratio of SVS and PQ scales, suggesting the existence of new physics at a moderate SVS scale. Novel features include an enhanced axion coupling to photons when compared to the DFSZ axion, as well as flavour-changing axion couplings to quarks.
A White Paper on keV sterile neutrino Dark Matter
We present a comprehensive review of keV-scale sterile neutrino Dark Matter, collecting views and insights from all disciplines involved - cosmology, astrophysics, nuclear, and particle physics - in each case viewed from both theoretical and experimental/observational perspectives. After reviewing the role of active neutrinos in particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology, we focus on sterile neutrinos in the context of the Dark Matter puzzle. Here, we first review the physics motivation for sterile neutrino Dark Matter, based on challenges and tensions in purely cold Dark Matter scenarios. We then round out the discussion by critically summarizing all known constraints on sterile neutrin…