J Garcia

B* production in Z decays

The decay B*→Bγ has been observed with the DELPHI detector at LEP, where the B* meson is produced in Z boson decays. The combination of inclusively reconstructed B mesons with well-measured converted photons yields a measurement of the flavour-averaged B*-B mass difference of 45.5±0.3 (stat.) ±0.8 (syst.) MeV/c2. 95% confidence level upper limits at 6 MeV/c2 are placed on both the isospin (i.e. B+-B0) and the Bs-Bud splitting of the mass difference. The production ratio of B* to B mesons in Z decays is measured to be 0.72±0.03 (stat.) ±0.06 (syst.). Limits on the production cross-section of other hypothetical excited B hadron states decaying radiatively are established. The differential B* …

research product

The Scale Dependence of the Hadron Multiplicity in Quark and Gluon Jets and a Precise Determination of $C_{A}/C_{F}$

\frac{C_A}{C_F} = 2.246 \pm 0.062~(stat.) \pm 0.080~(syst.) \pm 0.095~(theo.) Data collected at the Z resonance using the DELPHI detector at LEP are used to determine the charged hadron multiplicity in gluon and quark jets as a function of a transverse momentum-like scale. The colour factor ratio, \cacf, is directly observed in the increase of multiplicities with that scale. The smaller than expected multiplicity ratio in gluon to quark jets is understood by differences in the hadronization of the leading quark or gluon. From the dependence of the charged hadron multiplicity on the opening angle in symmetric three-jet events the colour factor ratio is measured to be: C_A/C_F = 2.246 \pm 0.0…

research product

Auditory Neuropathy in Children

Auditory neuropathy is a sensorineural disorder characterized by absent or abnormal auditory brainstem evoked potentials and normal cochlear outer hair cell function. A variety of processes is thought to be involved in its pathophysiology and their influence on hearing may be different. We present here the diagnostic sequence and management of two new cases of auditory neuropathy in breastfeeding children.

research product

Multicentre propensity score-matched analysis of conventional versus extended abdominoperineal excision for low rectal cancer

Abstract Background Abdominal perineal excision (APE) was originally described with levator ani removal for rectal cancer. An even wider, more aggressive extralevator resection for APE has been proposed. Although some surgeons are performing a very wide ‘extralevator APE (ELAPE)’, there are few data to recommend it routinely. This multicentre study aimed to compare outcomes of APE and ELAPE. Methods A multicentre propensity case-matched analysis comparing two surgical approaches (APE and ELAPE) was performed. All patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection of a rectal tumour were considered for the analysis. Tumour height was defined by magnetic resonance imaging measurement and patie…

research product

Measurement of the charged particle multiplicity of weakly decaying B hadrons

From the Z decays recorded in 1994 and 1995 by the DELPHI detector at LEP, the charged particle multiplicity of weakly decaying B hadrons was measured to be: 4.97 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.06 excluding the K-o and Lambda decay products. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

research product

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study

This international, prospective, cohort study enrolled 20 006 adult (≥18 years) patients from 466 hospitals in 61 countries with 15 cancer types, who had a decision for curative surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic and were followed up until the point of surgery or cessation of follow-up (Aug 31, 2020). Average national Oxford COVID-19 Stringency Index scores were calculated to define the government response to COVID-19 for each patient for the period they awaited surgery, and classified into light restrictions (index 60). The primary outcome was the non-operation rate (defined as the proportion of patients who did not undergo planned surgery). Cox proportional-hazards regression models wer…

research product