Alessandro Chiasera
Z-Scan theory for thin film measurements: Validation of a model beyond the standard approach using ITO and HfO2
The Z-Scan technique is an easy and widespread approach to evaluate the nonlinear optical coefficient of materials. However, the evaluation of the same coefficients for thin films requires complex experimental setups that allow to remove the contributions of the substrate. Here, we propose a simple, yet effective, theoretical approach that allows to include the substrate contribution to the focusing effect when scanning along the propagation axis. The proposed method therefore removes the need of complex experimental setups and paves the way for a simpler retrieval of optical properties of complex nanostructures.
Acoustic dynamics of network-forming glasses at mesoscopic wavelengths
The lack of long-range structural order in amorphous solids induces well known thermodynamic anomalies, which are the manifestation of distinct peculiarities in the vibrational spectrum. Although the impact of such anomalies vanishes in the long wavelength, elastic continuum limit, it dominates at length scales comparable to interatomic distances, implying an intermediate transition regime still poorly understood. Here we report a study of such mesoscopic domains by means of a broadband version of picosecond photo-acoustics, developed to coherently generate and detect hypersonic sound waves in the sub-THz region with unprecedented sampling efficiency. We identify a temperature-dependent fra…
Synthesis, structure and spectroscopic properties of luminescent GdVO 4 :Dy 3+ and DyVO 4 particles
Part of this research was done during visit of D.J. to IFN-CNR CSMFO Lab. and FBK Photonics Unit, Povo-Trento, Italy, in the framework of the STSM (Grant No. 38223) from the project: COST Action MP 1401 Advanced Fibre Laser and Coherent Source as tools for Society, Manufacturing and Lifescience” (2014e2018). The authors from Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Tech-nological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Project No: 45020 and 172056). L.T.N. Tran acknowledges the scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam International Education Development. T. G. acknowledges the ERDF PostDoc project No…