S Gullo
Could infertility related stress and anxiety of both partners influence women's ovarian response to stimulation during ICSI treatment?
A Time-Lagged, Actor–Partner Interdependence Analysis of Alliance to the Group as a Whole and Group Member Outcome in Overweight and Obesity Treatment Groups
A time-lagged design was used to examine how the perceptions of alliance to the group as a whole by the other group members at an earlier point in the group were related to an individual group member’s perceptions of alliance to the group as a whole at a later point in the group. We also examined how treatment outcome moderated this relationship. Seventy-three patients diagnosed as overweight or obese participating in 10 short-term therapy groups provided data for analyses. Group members completed measures of cohesion to the group and alliance to the group as a whole at the third, sixth, and last session of 12-session groups as well as pre- and posttest ratings on Obesity-Related Well-Being…
La relazione reale tra paziente e terapeuta
Development and testing of a model for risk and protective factors for eating disorders and higher weight among emerging adults: A study protocol
Research has demonstrated that eating disorders (ED) and higher weight have lifetime co-occurrence suggesting that they may be best considered within a common etiological model. Although we know that body dissatisfaction is likely to be a risk factor for both outcomes, other proposed risk and protective factors for each condition have not been adequately explored. The current paper tests a conceptual model that is based on a review of the existing literature from both areas of scholarship. It considers biological, sociocultural, psychological, and behavioral factors that may contribute to both outcomes. The model will be tested in a longitudinal design with an initial sample of 600 emerging…
Bond and work ruptures in group counseling
Objective: The aim of this study is to explore the immediate effects of group counseling ruptures. Group ruptures were defined as discrepancies between (1) the member’s bonding and working ratings in a session and the member’s average bonding and working across all sessions, (2) the member’s bonding and working in a session and the group-as-a-whole’s (across all members and sessions) bonding and working, and (3) the member’s average bonding and working across all sessions and the group-as-a-whole’s bonding and working. Method: Participants were 232 counseling students (199 women and 33 men; age: M = 22.78, SD = 3.51) who participated in one of 13, 7-session, interpersonal process groups. At…
Quali fattori facilitano il cambiamento nei gruppi? Un’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa sui gruppi di terapia psicodinamica
Psychometric properties of measures of sociocultural influence and internalization of appearance ideals across eight countries
The aim of the current study was to examine the psychometric properties of two well-established measures of sociocultural influence and internalization of the thin/low body fat ideal and muscular ideal. Data from 6272 emerging adults (68.9 % female), aged 18-30 years from Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Italy, Japan, Spain, and the U.S. were included in this study. Participants completed measures of pressure from mother, fathers, peers, and media, to both increase muscles and lose weight, as well as internalization of the thin/low body fat ideal and muscular ideal. Overall, support for partial invariance was found across the scales. In addition, group level differences were found between…
The impact of process variables on outcomes in a Psychodynamic long term group psychotherapy: A single case study.
Several researches on Group psychotherapy attested the mediating action of some aspects of the group process on the outcome(Martin, Garske & Davis,2000; Tasca, Illing, Ogrodniczuk, Joyce,2009; Burlingame, Mc Clendon & Alonso,2011). This study evaluates the development of the Group process in a semi open, long-term therapeutic group with the aim to identify which specific factors of group therapy (Cohesion, Alliance, and Session Impact) are responsible of the change. The group is composed by 11 patients with DSM I and II Axes diagnosis that have been assessed during 50 session. Outcome Instruments: SCL-90 (Derogatis,1983), OQ-45.2(Lambert, Burlingame,1996;Lo Coco, Prestano, Gullo, Di Stefano…
O-195 The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on psychological distress due to the cancellation of ART. A systematic review and meta-analysis
Abstract Study question Is there evidence that infertile patients have been more likely to experience distress during the COVID-19 outbreak with the consequent interruption of treatment plans? Summary answer High levels of psychological distress among infertile patients have been found during the COVID-19 pandemic, greater than that reported in the general population. What is known already Preliminary research on the negative consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak on mental health evidenced heightened levels of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress in some clinical populations as well as in community samples. However, little is known about the impact of COVID-19 on psychological dist…