Eric Jougla
Cancer et environnement : expertise collective
Les cancers représentent en France la première cause de mortalité chez les hommes et la deuxième cause chez les femmes et figurent parmi les pathologies pouvant être liées à l’environnement. À la demande de l’Afsset, l’Inserm a réuni un groupe d’experts afin d’établir un bilan des connaissances sur les liens entre l’exposition à des facteurs physiques, chimiques ou biologiques présents dans l’atmosphère, l’eau, les sols ou l’alimentation et neuf types de cancers en augmentation au cours des vingt-cinq dernières années : les cancers du poumon, les mésothéliomes, les hémopathies malignes, les tumeurs cérébrales, les cancers du sein, de l’ovaire, du testicule, de la prostate etde la thyroïde. …
The timing of introduction of pharmaceutical innovations in seven European countries
RATIONALE, AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Differences in the performance of medical care may be due to variation in the introduction and diffusion of medical innovations. The objective of this paper is to compare seven European countries (United Kingdom, the Netherlands, West Germany, France, Spain, Estonia and Sweden) with regard to the year of introduction of six specific pharmaceutical innovations (antiretroviral drugs, cimetidine, tamoxifen, cisplatin, oxalaplatin and cyclosporin) that may have had important population health impacts. METHODS: We collected information on introduction and further diffusion of drugs using searches in the national and international literature, and questionnaires to …
Innovations in medical care and mortality trends from four circulatory diseases between 1970 and 2005
Background: Governments have identified innovation in pharmaceuticals and medical technology as a priority for health policy. Although the contribution of medical care to health has been studied extensively in clinical settings, much less is known about its contribution to population health. We examine how innovations in the management of four circulatory disorders have influenced trends in cause-specific mortality at the population level. Methods: Based on literature reviews, we selected six medical innovations with proven effectiveness against hypertension, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure and cerebrovascular disease. We combined data on the timing of these innovations and cause-spe…
Time Trends in Hospital-Referred Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack: Results of a 7-Year Nationwide Survey in France
<i>Background:</i> Nationwide evaluations of the burden of stroke are scarce. We aimed to evaluate trends in stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) hospitalization, in-hospital case fatality rates (CFRs) and mortality rates in France during 2000–2006. <i>Methods:</i> Hospitalizations for stroke and TIA were determined from National Hospital Discharge Diagnosis Records that used the International Classification of Disease, 10th revision, codes I60, I61, I63, I64, G45, G46. CFRs and mortality rates were estimated from the national death certificates database. <i>Results:</i> The total number of stays for stroke increased between 2000 and 2006 (88,371 vs…