A. Viola
Design of Bilateral Switched Reluctance Linear Generator to Convert Wave Energy: Case Study in Sicily
Energy savings through integration of the illumination natural and artificial, using a system of automatic dimming:Case study
The reduction of electrical energy consumption in buildings is a subject of great interest in the international scientific community. In buildings with a lot of available natural light, designed with large glazed surfaces, the artificial lighting system is often oversized and cannot be divided into segments to meet lighting demands during daylight hours. This article presents an experimental study, conducted in a university lecture hall that has a glazed surface covering the whole wall at one end, which provides a level of internal illumination that is only sufficient for the area next to the window itself, even when the outside lighting conditions are very bright. It is therefore necessary…
Geological development of a gypsum lake formed at the beginning of the 2oth century in central Sicily, Italy: Integration of historical data with modern survey techniques
A limnological investigation was carried out on the small, endorheic lake, called Lake Sfondato, located in central Sicily (Italy). All the aquatic environments in the central part of the island are rich in salt, with conductivity values above 5 mS cm−1, and are characterized by high alkalinity values and hard waters. In addition, due to intensive agriculture, many of these ecosystems have experienced a strong anthropogenic eutrophication over the last decades. In order to better understand the functioning of these peculiar environments, the morphology, hydrology, and geochemistry, as well as several selected physical and biological characteristics of Lake Sfondato, were studied in the year…
Experimental results of a low cost weather buoy
Sea wave energy to produce Hydrogen for public transport in Trapani (Italy)
The coupling of renewable energy and hydrogen technologies represents in the mid term a very interesting way to match the tasks of increasing the reliable exploitation of wind and sea wave energy introducing clean technologies in the transportation sector. This paper presents a feasibility study of two plants for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen for Public transportation facilities in the West Sicily. In these plants the energy needs for the process is generated by a wind farm and/or a sea wave farm. All the buses will be equipped with a fuel-cell. A first economic analysis is presented together with the assessment of the avoidable greenhouse gas emissions during the ope…