Morgane Maillard
Going back to roots: combining phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology
International audience
High-throughput phenotyping of key legumes (and others) root traits
International audience
Looking back to roots: phenotyping facilities and applications. Web broadcast conference
Phenotyping, ecophysiology and molecular physiology to characterize plant root system architecture and plant-plant and plant-microorganisms interactions
International audience; Agriculture is facing the challenges to improve performance and crop adaptation to climate change towards reducing negative impacts of associated abiotic stresses on crop yield and contributing to its mitigation. Climate change comprises more frequent and ample abiotic stresses that plants have to cope with, such as drought, the most important limitation to yield stability and plant harvest product quality which often lead to hydromineral nutritional stress. The capacity of plants to extract nutrients and water from a given volume of soil depends on root system architecture and on intrinsic factors such as the production of root exudates and the efficiency for resour…
High-throughput phenotyping : characterizing physiological and genetic determinants of key traits of the root system
International audience