Juuso Marttila


Informaatioaallokossa luotsaten. Jyväskylän yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitos 1992-2007

research product

Beyond the Family and the Household: Occupational Family Networks

Although families and kinship have been studied extensively from a historical perspective, less attention has been paid to their significance and role in the formation of local social networks.This study makes use of extensive Finnish records of godparentage to map local networks to analyze the factors (kinship, work relations, neighborhood, friendship) that influenced their formation. It argues that, in the context of a closed industrial community, occupation and kinship were the major cornerstones of these networks. Only after work-related inequality was slowly eliminated in the early twentieth century did kinship begin to gain ground as the main influencing factor.

research product

Six Recommendations for Implementation of FAIR Practice

This report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers six practical recommendations on how FAIR can be turned into practice. These recommendations are aimed primarily at decision making entities of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), as well as research funders: 1. Fund awareness-raising, training, education and community-specific support. 2. Fund development, adoption and maintenance of community standards, tools and infrastructure. 3. Incentivise development of community governance. 4. Translate FAIR guidelines for other digital objects. 5. Reward and recognise improvements of FAIR practice. 6. …

research product

Työ teollistumisen ja arjen rajapintana : Strömforsin ja Ramnäsin rautaruukkiyhteisöt 1880-1950

research product

Le choix des parrains et marraines dans les campagnes finlandaises entre 1810 et 1914

On the basis of two case studies of artisans from the Finnish countryside, this paper presents five major factors that affected normal godparent relations. It argues that in some cases (especially among the highest echelons of the local society) godparenting strategies aiming at social advancement, which have received much attention in the research, may have had some significance, but for the majority of the population locality, occupation, social class and kinship were more important factors. In fact, most of these were highly intertwined in the pre-modern Finnish society of estates, and this is very visible in godparent networks. Thus this paper will serve researchers of godparenthood as …

research product

Tirkistelijöiden historiaa. Lectio Praecursoria 7.11.2014

FM Juuso Marttilan taloushistorian väitöskirja Työ teollistumisen ja arjen rajapintana. Strömforsin ja Ramnäsin rautaruukkiyhteisöt 1880–1950 tarkastettiin 7.11.2014 Jyväskylän yliopistossa. Vastaväittäjänä toimi professori Pertti Haapala Tampereen yliopistosta ja kustoksena professori Jari Ojala Jyväskylän yliopistosta.

research product

Monopolizing the Property of Skill: A Prosopographic Analysis of a Finnish Ironworks Community

SummaryThis article examines the survival of artisan labour structures and their property of skill in a case where neither a guild nor a union was present. Both of these institutions have traditionally been given as explanations for the survival of artisan labour structures and their property of skill. By using a prosopographic analysis of a Finnish ironworks community, this article follows a locally monopolized property of skill from 1880 to 1950. This monopoly was based on an informal apprenticeship system and the control of human capital, and was tied tightly to a closed network of smiths and their families. It was able to function in full force without the backing of any formal institut…

research product

Pääomien leikkauspisteessä : seppäyhteisön erityisasema ja sen kohtalo Strömforsin ja Ramnäsin rautaruukeissa vuosina 1880-1970

research product

JY:n Kirjaston aineistoluetteloista löytyvien opinnäytteiden luettelointi ja kuvailutiedot

Jyväskylän yliopistossa valmistuneiden opinnäytteiden (pro gradu- ja lisensiaatintyöt, väitöskirjat) metadata yliopiston kirjaston aineistoluettelosta poimittuna. Aineisto ei siis kattavasti kaikkia opinnäytteitä.

research product