Adolfo Alonso Arroyo

[Evolution and scientific impact of research grants from the spanish society of cardiology and spanish heart foundation (2000-2006)].

Abstract Introduction and objectives The Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia (Spanish Society of Cardiology) every year awards grants to finance research in the field of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study is to identify the impact of these investments during the period 2000-2006 from the subsequently published articles in scientific journals. Methods Using the identifying data of each project as search terms, all articles that resulted from these grants were located in the Spanish Indice Medico Espanol and Indice Bibliografico Espanol en Ciencias de la Salud databases, and in Science Citation Index-Expanded and Scopus. Descriptive statistical analysis of these articles included typ…

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La relación entre las palabras clave aportadas por autores de artículos de revista y su indización en las bases de datos ISOC, IME e ICYT

Se analizan las palabras clave proporcionadas por autores en sus artículos científicos y los descriptores asignados a dichos artículos en varias bases de datos para averiguar el papel que juegan esas palabras clave durante el proceso de indización de los mismos. Para ello, se seleccionaron 108 publicaciones periódicas repartidas proporcionalmente entre Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (36 revistas), Ciencia y Tecnología (36) y Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud (36). De cada una de las 108 publicaciones se escogieron 10 artículos repartidos entre diferentes años, por lo que se trabajó con un total de 1080 que cumplían dos condiciones: poseer palabras clave y estar indizados en las bases de datos…

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[Spanish productivity in smoking research relative to world and European union productivity from 1999 through 2003, analyzed with the science citation index].

Objective To analyze Spanish scientific productivity from 1999 through 2003 in the area of smoking research, in comparison with world and European Union research, based on data in the Science Citation Index (SCI). Material and methods This bibliometric study was carried out by searching the title field of the Science Citation Index Expanded. Descriptive statistics with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were compiled. Results Two-hundred ninety-two documents on smoking by Spanish authors were located. The most productive subspecialties were the group comprised of public health, education and health economics with 57 articles, and areas of the respiratory system, experimental research, and intern…

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Una década de investigación en Anales de Documentación (1998-2007) : Aproximación bibliométrica y temática

-Gregorio González Alcaide: gregonal@alumni.uv.es (correo de PDI, privado) -Adolfo Alonso Arroyo: Adolfo.Alonso@uv.es -Juan Carlos Valderrama: Zurián:Juan.Valderrama@uv.es Se realiza un análisis bibliométrico y temático de la revista Anales de Documentación (AD) con motivo del cumplimiento de su décimo aniversario (1998-2007). Se analiza la productividad, colaboración, ámbitos de investigación aborda-dos, visibilidad e impacto de la publicación. AD ha publicado 153 trabajos de inves-tigación, en los que han intervenido 176 autores de 56 instituciones diferentes. AD presenta una paridad entre hombres y mujeres, habiendo participado en la revista instituciones de 12 países diferentes. Los pri…

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Gender presence on the editorial boards of journals in the Women's Studies subject category

In the scientific journals, being part of the editorial boards, including the journals' members and chief editors, involves holding positions of power and responsibility that affect the running of a journal. Until now, these positions have usually been held by men in most scientific disciplines. In this study, the gender composition in the editorial board members (EBMs) and editor-in-chief (ECs) of the 45 Women's Studies journals classified in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) was analyzed. The following indicators were calculated: the gender distribution of ECs and EBMs by journal, publisher, country, and quartile of the journal in the JCR; the geographical area of the members; and the gen…

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Barriers to scientific production of the female university teachers of the healt sciences áreas

To discover the features associated with personal and professional lives of university teachers, in the area of health sciences in the"Comunidad Valenciana" for the period 2003-2007, to learn if they contribute to a greater or lesser scientific productivity. Were interviewed in depth 30 teachers aged between 30 and 60 years in order to identify factors that hamper productivity. Have more difficulties to publish scientific papers, teachers less productive. Represent obstacles: the labor problems, the difficulty to obtain science projects and to publish in certain journals, to balance teaching and research, care work in hospitals, the maternity and children. Although the two groups of large a…

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Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia 1973-2001

Se presenta la proyección de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia mediante el análisis de su producción científica desde 1973 hasta 2001 inclusive, a partir de los artículos de revista y las comunicaciones a congresos disponibles en las principales bases de datos nacionales e internacionales. Se ha analizado la productividad y distribución temporal, por tipo de documento y por idioma, así como la producción científica por autores y por departamentos, identificando los más productivos. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado la distribución y evolución de la literatura científica, indicando aquellas revistas más utilizadas. Los resultados indican, como aspectos más relevantes, una amplia gama de ár…

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Análisis de la red de colaboración científica sobre tabaquismo entre centros sanitarios españoles a través del Science Citation Index (1999-2003)

Objetivo Analizar la red de colaboracion cientifica que genera la coautoria de articulos cientificos entre centros sanitarios espanoles en el area de tabaquismo. Material y metodos Se seleccionaron los articulos sobre tabaquismo aparecidos en Science Citation Index entre los anos 1999 a 2003, en cuya autoria participaron 2 o mas centros sanitarios espanoles. Se analizo la red de colaboracion subyacente, comparando las medidas mas importantes de centralidad y elaborando mapas bibliometricos que permiten su visualizacion. Se emplearon las herramientas informaticas para el analisis de redes UCINET(r) y NETDRAW(r). Resultados Treinta y cinco centros sanitarios espanoles (29 hospitales y 6 centr…

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Evolución y repercusión científica de las becas de investigación de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología y la Fundación Española del Corazón (2000-2006)

Resumen Introduccion y objetivos La Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia convoca anualmente becas para financiar proyectos de investigacion en el campo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. Nuestro objetivo es identificar la repercusion de estas inversiones durante el periodo 2000-2006 a partir de los articulos derivados de las becas y publicados en revistas cientificas. Metodos Utilizando los datos de identificacion de cada proyecto como terminos de busqueda, se recuperaron todos los articulos derivados de estas becas en las bases de datos del Indice Medico Espanol, el Indice Bibliografico Espanol en Ciencias de la Salud, el Science Citation Index-Expanded y Scopus. Los articulos se sometieron…

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Análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia 1973-2001

This article studies the scope of Polytechnic University of Valencia through the analysis of its scientific output since 1973 until 2001 based on the journal articles and conference papers available in the most relevant national and international databases. We analyze its productivity and time layout, according to the kind of document and language, as well as the scientific output by authors and departments, showing those most outstanding regarding productivity. On the other hand, we have researched the distribution and layout of scientific literature, pointing out the most used journals. The results show as the most relevant aspects a wide range of themes covered, the constant annual incre…

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Relationship between authors’ keywords in journal papers and indexing terms in databases ISOC, IME and ICYT

The keywords provided by authors in their scientific articles and the descriptors assigned to those articles in various databases are analysed to find out the role played by these keywords during the indexing process. In order to do that, 108 periodical publications proportionally distributed between Social Sciences and Humanities (36 journals), Science and Technology (36) and Medical and Health Sciences (36) were selected. Ten articles were selected from each of the 108 journals from different years, so that we worked altogether on 1080 articles meeting two conditions: including keywords and being indexed in the databases ISOC, ICYT or IME. Then, we proceeded to draw a comparison between t…

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The 100 most cited articles in peri-implant diseases. A bibliometric study of the web of science.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the 100 most-cited articles on peri-implantitis pathology in the Web of Science database.The articles were selected from all categories of the Web of Science, to consider all variations and synonyms of peri-implant disease. Articles were reviewed for typographical, transcription, and indexing errors.The top 100 most-cited articles were published from 1994 to 2018, and had a total of 24,103 citations; 53 of the studies were funded. In total, 274 authors contributed to the papers, 5 of whom contributed to 10 or more articles. Review (n = 47) and clinical (n = 45) articles were the most prevalent types. European public universities made the largest contr…

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[Spanish medical center collaboration on smoking research from 1999 through 2003 according to the Science Citation Index].

OBJECTIVE To analyze the network structure of collaboration between medical centers sharing authorship of scientific articles on smoking. MATERIAL AND METHODS Articles reporting smoking research by authors from 2 or more Spanish medical centers between 1999 and the end of 2003 were identified through the Science Citation Index. The network of collaboration behind the research was analyzed and the most important measures of centrality were compared. To display the data, scientometric maps were constructed using UCINET and NETDRAW network analysis tools. RESULTS Thirty-five Spanish medical centers (29 hospitals and 6 health care clinics) in 8 autonomous communities were involved in 21 collabo…

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Análisis de género, productividad científica y colaboración de las profesoras universitarias de ciencias de la salud en la comunitat valenciana (2003-2007).

Se presenta la producción científica de las profesoras universitarias en el área de las Ciencias de la Salud de la Comunitat Valenciana durante el quinquenio 2003-2007 aplicando técnicas bibliométricas y realizando un análisis de género con el fin de conocer cuántas llegan a ser grandes productoras de artículos científicos frente a las que no alcanzan estos niveles de productividad e impacto. Se han recuperado 3.739 artículos durante el período estudiado, identificando el género de todos los autores con más de 2 artículos. De estos autores, 2.774 (60,41 %) son hombres y 1.818 (39,59 %) son mujeres, pero si se analizan solamente a los grandes productores, las autoras con más de 10 trabajos ú…

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