M. Kremer

A QCD calculation of the pion-nucleon sigma-term

We present the results of a QCD sum rule calculation of the pion-nucleon sigma-term. Depending on the uncertain value of the four quark condensate we obtain σ=10...40 MeV.

research product

Method of analytic continuation by duality in QCD: Beyond QCD sum rules

We present the method of analytic continuation by duality which allows the approximate continuation of QCD amplitudes to small values of the momentum variables where direct perturbative calculations are not possible. This allows a substantial extension of the domain of applications of hadronic QCD phenomenology. The method is illustrated by a simple example which shows its essential features.

research product

Light quark condensates from QCD sum rules

The light quark condensates have been determined by two different methods: By Laplace transformed QCD sum rules together with an improved hadronic continuum from extended PCAC and by analytic continuation by duality (ACD) of the asymptotic QCD amplitude. Both methods yield compatible results. The PCAC corrections are considerably large: for theu, d quarks near 8% and for theu, s quarks of order 60%.

research product

Chiral symmetry breaking condensates from baryonic sum rules

We analyse baryonic sum rules in order to determine chiral symmetry breaking condensates. We especially investigate the influence of the choice of the interpolating field and of the factorization hypothesis for the four quark condensate. Our results are consistent with those obtained from pseudoscalar sum rules and PCAC.

research product

Dynamics of a subconstituent picture of weak interactions

We use sum rules in order to discuss the dynamics of the simplest subconstituent model of weak interactions with elementary spin 1/2 fermions and scalar bosons. Vacuum condensates of the scalars play an essential role and lead to features quite different from QCD. With a certain vacuum structure vector dominance of the composite W-mesons is a good approximation, and we also see a clear signal for massless fermions in the two-point function of composite fermions. Thus such a model is in good agreement with standard phenomenology. Composite Higgs particles are also investigated. The effective interaction is evidently of the gauge type.

research product