Andrew J. King
The age of PSR J1012 + 5307
Different progenitors of short hard gamma-ray bursts
We consider the spatial offsets of short hard gamma-ray bursts (SHBs) from their host galaxies. We show that all SHBs with extended duration soft emission components lie very close to their hosts. We suggest that NS-BH binary mergers offer a natural explanation for the properties of this extended duration/low offset group. SHBs with large offsets have no observed extended emission components and are less likely to have an optically detected afterglow, properties consistent with NS-NS binary mergers occurring in low density environments.
The three-ring structure of Supernova 1987A
PSR J1012+5307: younger than it looks?
Lorimer et al. have recently reported that the spin-down age (∼7 × 109 yr) of the low-mass binary pulsar PSR J1012+5307 is much higher than the cooling age (3 × 108 yr) of its white dwarf companion. The proposed solutions for this discrepancy are outlined and discussed. In particular, the revised cooling age estimate proposed by Alberts et al. agrees with data from other low-mass binary pulsar systems if a transition to the ‘classical’ cooling regime occurs between ∼0.14 and ∼0.28 M⊙. If this transition is excluded, PSR J1012+5307 seems to have finished its accretion phase far from the spin-up line.