Herbert Göttler
PRISMA — Ein Informationssystem für Moderne Kunst im Internet
Ziel von PRISMA (Picture Retrieval and Information System for Modern Arts) ist es, auf verschiedenen Rechnem und heterogenen Inform ationssystemen verteilte, komplex strukturierte Multimediadaten and Metainformationen unter einer einheitlichen, anwenderfreundlichen Benutzeroberflache mit Hilfe einer verteilten objektorientierten Datenbank zu verwalten. Zur Realisierung dieses Konzeptes werden Schnittstellen und Protokolle entwickelt, die z.B. die Kommunikation zwischen einem WWW-Server und der von PRISMA verwendeten objektorientierten Datenbank ermoglichen. Durch den Einsatz von WWW-Browsern als Bedienoberflache des Systems wird eine weitgehende Plattformunabhadngigkeit erreicht. Die Datena…
The widespread use of digital sensor systems causes a tremendous demand for high-quality time series analysis tools. In this domain the majority of data mining algorithms relies on established distance measures like Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) or Euclidean distance (ED). However, the notion of similarity induced by ED and DTW may lead to unsatisfactory clusterings. In order to address this shortcoming we introduce the Gliding Elastic Match (GEM) algorithm. It determines an optimal local similarity measure of a query time series Q and a subject time series S. The measure is invariant under both local deformation on the measurement-axis and scaling in the time domain. GEM is compared to ED and…
Alignment of Noisy and Uniformly Scaled Time Series
The alignment of noisy and uniformly scaled time series is an important but difficult task. Given two time series, one of which is a uniformly stretched subsequence of the other, we want to determine the stretching factor and the offset of the second time series within the first one. We adapted and enhanced different methods to address this problem: classical FFT-based approaches to determine the offset combined with a naive search for the stretching factor or its direct computation in the frequency domain, bounded dynamic time warping and a new approach called shotgun analysis, which is inspired by sequencing and reassembling of genomes in bioinformatics. We thoroughly examined the strengt…