Robert Moss
Paternity, copulation disturbance and female choice in lekking black grouse
Female copulation behaviour in the black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, was studied by detailed observations of individually marked birds together with DNA fingerprinting analyses for paternity assessment. For each breeding occasion females typically mated only once with one male, and did not mate outside the lek arena. They re-mated with the same or another male usually only if the initial copulation was disturbed and was probably unsuccessful in sperm transfer. The willingness of females to copulate only once with one male suggests that multiple mating with several males incurs a cost that more than outweighs any possible fertility or sperm competition benefits. Attempts by neighbouring males to …
Transfemoral Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement With the EVOQUE System
Abstract Objectives The purpose of this observational first-in-human experience was to investigate the feasibility and safety of the EVOQUE tricuspid valve replacement system and its impact on short-term clinical outcomes. Background Transcatheter tricuspid intervention is a promising option for selected patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation (TR). Although transcatheter leaflet repair is an option for some, transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement (TTVR) may be applicable to a broader population. Methods Twenty-five patients with severe TR underwent EVOQUE TTVR in a compassionate-use experience. The primary outcome was technical success, with NYHA (NYHA) functional class, TR grade, …