A. M. Rogers
Observation of the 2+ isomer in Co52
We report the first observation of the ${2}^{+}$ isomer in $^{52}\mathrm{Co}$, produced in the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay of the ${0}^{+}$, $^{52}\mathrm{Ni}$ ground state. We have observed three $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ rays at 849, 1910, and 5185 keV characterizing the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ de-excitation of the isomer. We have measured a half-life of 102(6) ms for the isomeric state. The Fermi and Gamow-Teller transition strengths for the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay of $^{52m}\mathrm{Co}$ to $^{52}\mathrm{Fe}$ have been determined. We also add new information on the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay of the ${6}^{+}$, $^{52}\mathrm{Co}$ ground state, for which we have measured a half-life of 112(3) ms.
Superallowed α Decay to Doubly Magic Sn100
We report the first observation of the ^{108}Xe→^{104}Te→^{100}Sn α-decay chain. The α emitters, ^{108}Xe [E_{α}=4.4(2) MeV, T_{1/2}=58_{-23}^{+106} μs] and ^{104}Te [E_{α}=4.9(2) MeV, T_{1/2}<18 ns], decaying into doubly magic ^{100}Sn were produced using a fusion-evaporation reaction ^{54}Fe(^{58}Ni,4n)^{108}Xe, and identified with a recoil mass separator and an implantation-decay correlation technique. This is the first time α radioactivity has been observed to a heavy self-conjugate nucleus. A previous benchmark for study of this fundamental decay mode has been the decay of ^{212}Po into doubly magic ^{208}Pb. Enhanced proton-neutron interactions in the N=Z parent nuclei may result …
Fission Barrier of Superheavy Nuclei and Persistence of Shell Effects at High Spin: Cases ofNo254andTh220
We report on the first measurement of the fission barrier height in a heavy shell-stabilized nucleus. The fission barrier height of No-254 is measured to be B-f = 6.0 +/- 0.5 MeV at spin 15 (h) over bar and, by extrapolation, B-f = 6.6 +/- 0.9 MeV at spin 0 (h) over bar. This information is deduced from the measured distribution of entry points in the excitation energy versus spin plane. The same measurement is performed for Th-220 and only a lower limit of the fission barrier height can be determined: B-f (I) > 8 MeV. Comparisons with theoretical fission barriers test theories that predict properties of superheavy elements.
Exploring the stability of super heavy elements: First Measurement of the Fission Barrier of $^{254} $No
The gamma-ray multiplicity and total energy emitted by the heavy nucleus 254No have been measured at 2 different beam energies. From these measurements, the initial distributions of spin I and excitation energy E * of 254No were constructed. The distributions display a saturation in excitation energy, which allows a direct determination of the fission barrier. 254No is the heaviest shell-stabilized nucleus with a measured fission barrier. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014.
Beta decay of the exotic Tz = - 2, $^{56}$Zn nucleus and half-life of various proton-rich Tz = -1 nuclei
Expérience GANIL/LISE3/EXOGAM; International audience; Preliminary results of an experimental study of the beta -decay of the exotic T$_z$ = - 2, $^{56}$Zn nucleus and other proton-rich T$_z$ = -1 nuclei are presented. The ions were produced at GANIL using fragmentation reactions, separated by the LISE3 spectrometer and implanted in a double-sided silicon strip detector surrounded by Ge detectors. The half-lives of $^{56}$Zn and four T$_z$ = -1 nuclei in the fp-shell have been measured. While the decay of the T$_z$ = -1 nuclei proceeds essentially by -delayed gamma emission, in the case of $^{56}$Zn -delayed proton emission is also observed. Moreover, the exotic -delayed gamma-proton decay …
Proton decay of 108I and its significance for the termination of the astrophysical rp-process
Abstract Employing the Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer and the implantation-decay-decay correlation technique, a weak 0.50(21)% proton decay branch was identified in 108I for the first time. The 108I proton-decay width is consistent with a hindered l = 2 emission, suggesting a d 5 2 origin. Using the extracted 108I proton-decay Q value of 597(13) keV, and the Q α values of the 108I and 107Te isotopes, a proton-decay Q value of 510(20) keV for 104Sb was deduced. Similarly to the 112,113Cs proton-emitter pair, the Q p ( I 108 ) value is lower than that for the less-exotic neighbor 109I, possibly due to enhanced proton-neutron interactions in N ≈ Z nuclei. In contrast, the present Q p ( Sb 104 …
$\beta $-delayed $\gamma $-proton Decay in $^{56}$Zn: Analysis of the Charged-particle Spectrum
A study of the $\beta$ decay of the proton-rich $T_{z}$ = -2 nucleus $^{56}$Zn has been reported in a recent publication. A rare and exotic decay mode, $\beta$-delayed $\gamma$-proton decay, has been observed there for the first time in the $fp$ shell. Here we expand on some of the details of the data analysis, focussing on the charged particle spectrum.
Stability and synthesis of superheavy elements: Fighting the battle against fission – example of $^{254}$No
International audience; Superheavy nuclei exist solely due to quantum shell effects,which create a pocket in the potential-energy surface of the nucleus, thusproviding a barrier against spontaneous fission. Determining the height ofthe fission barrier and its angular-momentum dependence is important toquantify the role that microscopic shell corrections play in enhancing andextending the limits of nuclear stability. In this talk, the first measurement ofa fission barrier in the very heavy nucleus 254No will be presented.
Observation of theβ-Delayedγ-Proton Decay ofZn56and its Impact on the Gamow-Teller Strength Evaluation
We report the observation of a very exotic decay mode at the proton drip line, the $\ensuremath{\beta}$-delayed $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-proton decay, clearly seen in the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay of the ${T}_{z}=\ensuremath{-}2$ nucleus $^{56}\mathrm{Zn}$. Three $\ensuremath{\gamma}$-proton sequences have been observed after the $\ensuremath{\beta}$ decay. Here this decay mode, already observed in the $sd$ shell, is seen for the first time in the $fp$ shell. Both $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ and proton decays have been taken into account in the estimation of the Fermi and Gamow-Teller strengths. Evidence for fragmentation of the Fermi strength due to strong isospin mixing is found.
Decay and Fission Hindrance of Two- and Four-QuasiparticleKIsomers inRf254
Two isomers decaying by electromagnetic transitions with half-lives of 4.7(1.1) and 247(73) μs have been discovered in the heavy ^{254}Rf nucleus. The observation of the shorter-lived isomer was made possible by a novel application of a digital data acquisition system. The isomers were interpreted as the K^{π}=8^{-}, ν^{2}(7/2^{+}[624],9/2^{-}[734]) two-quasineutron and the K^{π}=16^{+}, 8^{-}ν^{2}(7/2^{+}[624],9/2^{-}[734])⊗8^{-}π^{2}(7/2^{-}[514],9/2^{+}[624]) four-quasiparticle configurations, respectively. Surprisingly, the lifetime of the two-quasiparticle isomer is more than 4 orders of magnitude shorter than what has been observed for analogous isomers in the lighter N=150 isotones. …